Best way to get EXP

Just like any RPG game, leveling up is a vital part of the gameplay Persona 5 Royal. Players who fail to level up their team will struggle with late-game bosses and have to waste time playing Mementos. As an updated reissue of Persona 5, Persona 5 Royal It has many quality of life changes and 20 hours of new gameplay.

Persona 5 Royal It includes a new theme for Phantom Thieves and adds a few changes to previous boss fights. With so much new content, it's best to keep everyone level and know the fastest ways to gain experience.

Updated on January 13, 2025 by Renri Song: Too much level can cause Persona 5 Royal It's pretty easy, but you want to be on the same level as the palace rulers – especially on a brand new file. There are many ways to make the farming experience easier P5R From secret skills to Jose in Yadgari. Joker can also gain EXP for his passive character with a passive skill. The guide below has been updated to include a new section on how to quickly experience farming with the help of the Insta-kill feature.


Persona 5 Royal: How To Make Yen Fast

With a little tweaking, players can earn millions of yen in minutes in Persona 5 Royal. Here's how to do it.

Accessories and Moon Arcana

Trustee Mishima Yuki


in Persona 5 Royalplayers can download the free DLC from the PlayStation Store to get accessories Team glasses. These add 15% EXP gain from battle. For these to work, each character must equip them as themselves Accessories.

Since players can only use Joker and three other Phantom Thieves in battle, the Phantom Thieves in the back lane will have less experience after the battle.

By rating Trustee of the Moon (Yuyuki Mishima) to Rank 3 and Rank 5support team members will receive EXP. If the player decides to reach it Rank 10 From Mishima's Confidant, they will then gain support members the same EXP as those who fight on the front lines.

Increasing Mishima's confidence is relatively easy as long as players remember to choose the dialogue option that most appeals to him. It is also recommended to bring a Persona of the the moon Arcana before hanging out with him.

from Persona 5 Royalsouvenir missions assigned by Mishima are now tied to his Confidant. This means that it will not be possible to rank Confidant if players neglect the Mishima missions.

Souvenir: Increased EXP Gain

Recognition of souvenirs

Character 5 Royal Jose

Along with Yoshizawa and Maruki, Persona 5 Royal Added a new character named Jose. She may not be as important as Kasumi and Maruki, but she can be a huge help in terms of gameplay.

Scattered deep within the Mementos are “Flowers” and “Stamp Stations”. Collect both of these, and they can be traded with Jose for items or to change the recognition of memorabilia. In the Cognition menu of Jose's Shop, players have the option of increasing expiration, Cash prizesor Item awardsbut only in Mementos. Increasing EXP from battle to 110% will cost 5 stamps, while getting EXP to 200% (max) will cost 12 stamps.

There are a total of 165 stamps Persona 5 Royalbut players need a sum of 85 stamps If they want to maximize Exp Up. Stamp stations can be found in the “dead end” on the Mementos floor behind the breakable walls. When players go to a new floor of Mementos, they have a chance to run into Jose.


Persona 5 Royal: Protagonist Canon Name

While you can choose any name for the Protagonist in Persona 5 Royal, there is a name that Atlus uses in other media.

Fight the reaper

What level is the harvest?

Drew Persona 5

Reaper is a powerful and recurring enemy persona Franchise If players stay on the field for a long time, he will appear in Mementos. The red screen starts to flash and the sound of the chain is heard. Furthermore, Morgana (or Futaba) warns the Joker of an ominous presence.

At the very beginning of the game, it will be impossible to defeat the Reaper if the players are not in a New Game+ file. Reaper has -dyne tier spells and support skills like Concentrate and Elemental Breaks (ie: Fire, Wind, Ice, Electric Break).

He will be Level 85 With a very high stat, his agility is his lowest stat (75), but if the Phantom Thieves aren't strong enough, it's enough to outpace them.

However, successfully defeating the Reaper rewards an incredible amount of experience and money. After the Reaper is defeated, all characters will likely level.

It is recommended to fight Reaper Level 60 or higher. Have defensive support skills and choose Makarakarn to reflect reaper magic. On the other hand, those who have bought persona DLC with Izanagi-no-Okami (Picaro) can stack Concentrate, Heat Riser and then use Thousand Truths to damage Almighty 3x.

Defeat the treasure demons

How to summon treasure demons

The character of 5 Demon Ganj

Treasure Demons are special shadows that first appear in Madarame Palace. After the first encounter, they begin to spawn in the Metaverse. Unlike most shadows, treasure demons are harmless and flee after a few turns.

There are different types of treasure demons and each has different weaknesses, dependencies and immunities. However, all treasure demons take regular damage almighty Attacks The best way to defeat Treasure Demons before they run away is to knock them down with Shinya's Rank 1 ability.Down Shot. This leaves them open to an all-out attack.

Alternatively, players can kill a Treasure Demon with a high crit attack like Morgana's Miracle Punch until the Treasure Demon does. empty Physical attacks

Treasure demons appear in palaces that Security is high. Players can also craft the Treasure Trap penetration tool, which increases the number of treasure demons encountered in a palace. The materials required for the treasure trap are as follows:

  • 2x silk thread

  • 3x herbal salve

  • 1x cork bark


Persona 5 Royal: How To Unlock Every Secret

Persona 5 Royal has 23 Social Links, also known as Confidants. Here's what day they're locked and how to unlock them.

Use Persona with EXP skills

How to acquire the passive skill of growth

Izanagi Picaro

Any character not equipped by the Joker at the end of the battle will normally not receive EXP. However, if they have a passive skill growtheven if they are not used for that fight, they will gain a percentage of experience from the battle. There are three types of skill development:

  • Growth 1: Persona gains a quarter of EXP when inactive.
  • Growth 2: Persona gains half EXP when inactive.
  • Growth 3: Persona will have full EXP when disabled.

The Persona below learns to grow leveling:


Growth 1

  • Saki Mitama (Level 7)

  • Koppa Tengu (level 12)

Growth 2

  • Lachesis (natural)

  • Kurama Tengo (Level 36)

  • Thoth (level 42)

  • Ananta (level 47)

Growth 3

  • Izanagi (level 25)

  • Izanagi Picaro (level 28)

  • Nargis (level 50)

  • Raphael (level 81)

When players unlock Electric chair in Velvet roomthey can turn personas into skill cards. Unfortunately, the characters that can turn into growth 1 and growth 2 skill cards Persona 5 Don't do it again Persona 5 Royal. Izanagi Picaro is the only character that becomes a growth skill card (Growth 3) when used in an electric chair.

Growth skill card 1 can't be obtained in P5R.

To get the Growth Skill Card 2, players must take Caroline and Justin to Miura Beach. September 2September 29. This may happen after The joker was deleted Event 6 (Sky Tower). Joker can spend time with Justin and Caroline in the evenings By talking to them by the door to the velvet room outside of Mementos.

Ryuji Sakamoto's confidant

How to unlock Insta-Kill


Insta-kill is a skill that does exactly what it says: it allows Joker to instantly kill a Shadow without having to engage them in combat. To use Insta-kill, you must Enemy ambush. If Joker level (not his Persona level) 10 levels higher than Shadowthey will fail immediately. In principle Persona 5Insta-kill only defeats shadows. in Persona 5 Royala successful Insta-kill will give you items, yen, experience and (if you have room) a Persona.

If you use Joker's third eye feature, you can find that Shadow can be killed in Insta. Shades that have a green outline are prone to Insta-kill.

To get the Insta-kill, you need to get Ryuji's Confidant Rank 7. Fortunately, Ryuji doesn't need social status to advance his Confidant. In fact, he's one of the easiest to max out in the entire game. If you want to Insta-kill right away, you need to hang out with Ryuji and choose the best options to get the most points. It is recommended that you do this before you start unlocking more Confidants.

Persona 5 Royal tag page cover art


Atlus, P-Studio

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