Best Star Trek Movies for Newcomers to vote, ranked


  • Start with Star Trek movies to make it easier to introduce because of the shorter time.

  • Star Trek: The moving image is well -old and acts as a great entry point.

  • Star Trek (2009) examines an alternate timetable and provides a fun complexity for new fans.

The first Travel
The play began in 1966 and made it one of the oldest rights of entertainment, which also means a lot of time to produce any kind of business and media. All the teams of writers, creators, designers and directors have been working on this voting right for nearly 60 years, so it can be a new daunting fan to choose the best way to enter Travel The world

Several films are easier than a full season of a television program or a video game player, so this is an ideal place to get started. There are currently 14 films in this movie Travel The right to vote, including the Kelvin timetable and recently published Star Trek: Section 31
Human beings are suitable for those who are new in one of the oldest rights of Entertainment.


Star Trek: Best Multi -episode Story arches in shows, ranked

Star Trek shows a set of amazing and complex stories that encompass different parts.


Star Trek: An animated image

Initially intended to be the fourth season of TOS

Star Trek: An animated image

Date of Publishing

December 6, 1979


Robert Weiss

In their time, Star Trek: An animated image It was a notorious, even funny failure, box office and critical. Was great, and it was still done, but slow speed and long and extensive photos are intended to imitate 2001: A Space Odyssey
That was popular at the time but did not work for it Travel Fans.

The good news is that this movie is very old, and the recent releases that have been recent have made it better. Modern audiences are better appreciated for design, behind -the -scenes, and clothes of the 1970s, making starfleet clothing more like pajamas. The film contains all the main characters in the series, with a few exceptions, and a convincing story of the design that refers to an important historical event. All together, these elements even for a person who does not like to turn it into a great movie Trek Star.


Star Trek (2009)

Introduction in the Kelvin Time Table


Date of Publishing

May 8, 2009


JJ Abrams

JJ Abrams was fun with an alternating timeline about 15 years ago, deepening the concept of alternating timetable Travel So far, although most of the main characters are the same, their conditions are very different. This world is named as USS Kelvin, famously the birthplace of James Kirk according to The Lore.


Star Trek: James T's best friends. Crack, ranked

James T. The crack of a star trek captain is relatively charismatic, so it's no wonder he has good friends.

However, a rebellious Roman destroyed the famous ship, causing the reality in which the story happens. It was the first movie or television program to discover the possibilities of crack, Spike, Ohura and other fans on Starfleet days, and depicts the story of memorable moments.

The next installments in this series will never reach the same level of popularity, and it is unlikely that there will be a quarter. This is an interesting way to experience all the creativity that goes to modern TravelHuman


Star Trek: Anger Khan

Genesis Project, Clintons, and Strengthening

Star Trek II: Anger Khan

Date of Publishing

4 June 1982


Nicholas Mayer

The concept of summer blocks in the early 1980s was still in its early stages, but it is easy to say Anger Khan Is one of the prototypes. Unlike their predecessor, fans and critics overwhelmed this exciting sci -fi fiction that chose the thread from one of the main parts, and by killing a main character, even if they temporarily gave a crazy opportunity .

Some exhibition information gives new fans behind the scenes, but for a better experience, the episode based on it is worth observation. It is called “space seed” and tells the story of finding the big ship and eventually releases them in Seti Alpha 5. Star Trek: New World's Strange World
Or Lower decks Star Trek
Use the term, this is what they mean.

The next generation Lor

Star Trek: First call

Date of Publishing

November 22, 1996


Jonathan Frakes

As far as Star Trek: Next generation
The era goes, this is the best film with Picard and his crew. This is the eighth Travel In general, the film, but when the TNG movies began, the series stopped using numbers.


Star Trek: Best Multi -episode Story arches in shows, ranked

Star Trek shows a set of amazing and complex stories that encompass different parts.

It has an interesting historical context and a bold attack on humanity by one of the most notorious franchisee. Borg goes back on time to disrupt the first flight of the ground, which means that Vulcans never see the signature of the twist and the first call will never happen. Not only does Picard and his crew have to understand how they can stop Borg, but they must also prevent them from recruiting their company and crew.


Star Trek 4: Home Travel

We saved the whales

Star Trek IV: Home Travel

Date of Publishing

November 27, 1986

Running time

118 minutes

Star Trek 4 It is a film that Gene Rudenbury did not want, but the fans, critics and history were not with him. This is not only the highest profit Travel The movie is one of the best films of the 20th century and many fans of interest. Many claim it as one of the nostalgic cornerstone of their childhood in the 1980s, and everything from cheese acting to jeans and its permissible hair makes it a flawless product of its time.

This is the only part of the reason that this is a great movie for new fans. Star Trek 4 All



Created by


Year of creation


First movie

Star Trek: An animated image

First TV show

Star Trek: The main series

The best of things about TravelThe first and foremost something optimistic future beyond ignorance and prejudice, with a second, is the image of the courage and genius of humanity in the face of overwhelming chances.

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