Best Multiplayer PvP Games On PS Plus

In 2022, Sony decided to revamp PlayStation Plus, combining the original service with PS Now. The result was a three-tiered system that permits PS5 and PS4 owners to pick their investment. If someone simply wants to play online, they can get the Essential tier, which also comes with a few games per month. The next level, Extra, grants access to hundreds of PS5 and PS4 games, a selection that is topped up every month. Finally, the Premium tier throws in a vast collection of classic titles from the PS3, PS2, PS1, and PSP eras.

While there are exceptions, anyone looking to play an online PvP game will likely need to subscribe to PS Plus Essential. The Extra and Premium tiers provide all the benefits found in the lowest tier, but they also include quite a few competitive titles that make use of that online accessibility. The available selection also covers a reasonably wide range of genres, so most people should be able to find something that interests them. Here are the best multiplayer PS Plus games.

This article will prioritize PvP PS Plus games since co-op projects have their own discussion.

The listed completion times are sourced from HowLongToBeat. Also, if it exists, a game’s Amazon Listing Page has been included in case someone prefers to pick up a physical copy.

Updated January 1, 2025 by Mark Sammut: A new year has arrived, and who knows what goodies will land on PS Plus over the coming months? The future is (hopefully) bright and filled with PvP content. In the meantime, subscribers might want to check out a few multiplayer PS Plus games that they have been ignoring, including a bike-based racer from an annual franchise. Click below to jump directly to this title.

Chivalry 2

The Battlefield Awaits

Chivalry 2

PS Plus Availability

Extra & Premium


June 8, 2021

Number of Players


Medieval warfare has rarely been this fun. At this point in its lifespan, Chivalry 2 has a well-established community that regularly ensures its 64-person melees are filled up, allowing for epic battles across an array of maps and modes. Relative longevity can be a double-edged sword in multiplayer games, at least for newcomers who might be interested in taking their first steps onto a battlefield.


10 Non-Weapons To Use As Weapons In Chivalry 2

From the musically-inclined recorder to the humble rake, Chivalry 2 relishes in unique non-weapons that can still be used as such.

The thought of facing off against veterans who have 1000+ hours of experience can be discouraging, but Chivalry 2 is surprisingly accessible. Just to be clear, beginners will need to overcome a learning curve (and should 100% complete the tutorial) and be prepared to die plenty during their first few matches, which is just part of the process. However, the gameplay is not that overwhelming and does not prioritize realism, creating a system that rewards skill and expertise while still allowing room for upsets.

Most importantly, Chivalry 2 is plain old fun. Battles often embrace glorious and hectic madness, and the modes contain enough variety to shake up the core loop. The class system focuses on archetypes rather than unlimited customization, and the options are unlocked gradually to encourage trying out different builds. In terms of the best multiplayer PS Plus games, Chivalry 2 is hard to beat.

Dead By Daylight

The Definitive Asymmetrical Multiplayer Game

Dead by Daylight, an asymmetrical horror game, pits four Survivors against One Killer, with the former needing to turn on generators as they try to outlast the night. On the surface, the gameplay loop might not sound all that special, but Dead by Daylight keeps things fresh by frequently introducing new Killers and Survivors.

Each of these characters brings something unique to the plate, requiring players to learn new strategies to take advantage of their chosen figure’s abilities or to counter their opponents. While the game has a dedicated community, Dead by Daylight is still reasonably accessible, even if newcomers might struggle during their first couple of matches.

Demon’s Souls (2020)

The Souls PvP Formula

Demon’s Souls (2020)



PS Plus Availability

Extra & Premium


November 12, 2020

Number of Players


FromSoftware’s Souls-like projects generally feature multiplayer, even if it is typically optional. Bluepoint Games’ Demon’s Souls remake retains this element, allowing players to take part in either PvP or online co-op sessions. Focusing on the former, players who are in soul form can invade someone else’s game by using a Black Eye Stone. At this point, they will appear as a phantom in the other user’s world, resulting in a fight for survival. The winner is rewarded with souls, and if the invader succeeds, they regain their human form. Only players who are in human form can be invaded, so the PvP aspect can be ignored by just remaining in soul form.

Alternatively, players can use a Red Eye Stone to send a signal to other worlds declaring that they wish to engage in a PvP duel. Once accepted, the player will be summoned to that world as a phantom. A Blue Eye Stone does essentially the same thing, although it is for co-op play rather than PvP action.

Bloodborne also supports online PvP and co-op.

For Honor

Finally Answer That Age-Old Question…Who Would Win, A Viking Or A Knight?

Debuting more than half a decade ago, For Honor has more than proven its staying power, and the game’s appeal is not difficult to comprehend. Ubisoft’s title brings together some of the most iconic warrior archetypes from across history – Knights Samurai, Vikings, Wu Lin, and the Outlanders – and pits them in gory battles to determine who reigns supreme. This golden concept is backed by a deep melee combat system that blends immediacy with strategic complexity, permitting fights to feel both spontaneous and fair.


The Best Games For Fans Of Medieval History

Whether it’s Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, For Honor, Crusader Kings 3, or more, fans have a lot of choices when it comes to medieval fantasy games.

Although there is a single-player campaign that covers the basics of combat, multiplayer is undoubtedly For Honor‘s reason for being. The game offers a solid selection of modes that permit players to decide whether they would rather work in a team or engage in solo battles. There are more than two dozen heroes available, all of which come with unique abilities, strengths, and weaknesses; it might take a few hours, but every player should be able to find a warrior that suits them. Intimidating as this title can be at times, as one of the best multiplayer games on PS Plus Premium and Extra, For Honor is worth the investment.

Assetto Corsa Competizione

PS Plus Availability

Extra & Premium


May 29, 2019

Number of Players


Cross-Platform Play

PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X/S

There are quite a few racing games on PS Plus Premium, and they cover a wide spectrum of styles. There are arcade racers like Split/Second: Velocity and WipEout: Omega Collection, kart classics such as Jak X: Combat Racing, and a number of sims that strive for realism above anything else. Assetto Corsa Competizione falls within the latter category; in fact, even among racing sims, this game stands out for its unforgiving and grounded nature.

A driver will need to dedicate dozens of hours toward mastering a specific vehicle and track before they should even consider heading online to face off against other players. Thankfully, Competizione comes with quite a long single-player campaign, so newcomers have something to do while they come to grips with the gameplay. Once they feel comfortable enough to jump online, players can look forward to competitive and clean races.

Mortal Kombat 11

A Top-Tier Fighting Game

NetherRealm Studios’ Mortal Kombat 11 debuted on a polarizing note. On the one hand, the game presents a convincing case for having the deepest combat system in the franchise, one that slows things down to encourage strategic and smart play rather than combo spamming. The single-player story mode is also a ton of gory fun, delivering over-the-top mayhem in a way that only Mortal Kombat can. Honestly, the title is worth downloading just for the campaign, especially as MK11 approaches the end of its lifespan with the impending launch of Mortal Kombat 1.


Mortal Kombat 11: 15 Best Augments in the Game

There are a lot of great augments to be found in Mortal Kombat 11. Here’s a look at some of the best in the game.

Fun as the story is, MK11 has lasted for as long as it has due to its multiplayer. Any modern fighting game worth its salt will deliver a robust selection of online modes, and NetherRealm Studios did not hold back in this area. While the selection is not necessarily unique, MK11 provides all the multiplayer staples someone might expect. Now, after all these years on the scene, the online sphere is dominated by veterans, which can be off-putting for newcomers. Still, MK11 is one of the best PS Plus multiplayer games.

Conan Exiles

Survival & Base-Building Game That Is Great With Friends & Supports PvP

Conan Exiles



PS Plus Availability

Extra & Premium


May 8, 2018

Number of Players


Despite a somewhat rough launch, Conan Exiles has managed to establish itself as a prominent figure in the online scene, and part of the game’s appeal is its flexibility. At its core, Funcom’s project adheres to the survival genre’s fundamentals, which means a heavy focus on base building and resource management. However, the title also takes ideas from action RPGs for its combat system, along with providing a narrative framework to cater to people who might prefer a more focused experience.


Conan Exiles: Tips To Help You Survive

Surviving in Conan Exiles is no easy task. But these tips should help you make it through.

Conan Exiles offers a few different servers, including an option focusing on PvP. If someone jumps into this version of the game, they will need to prepare themselves for battles with other people, and these encounters can be cutthroat and overwhelming. Conan Exiles‘ universe is harsh and unforgiving to the weak, and that extends to PvP as survivors with underwhelming gear are unlikely to last long. Similar to PvE, PvP primarily revolves around defending or attacking bases.

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2

Endless, Endless Hours Of Content, & The Dark Zone Is PvP Intensive

PS Plus Availability

Premium (Stream Only)


March 15, 2019

Number of Players


PS Plus Extra has both The Division games, and while the first title is worth playing due to its unique setting and solid narrative, the sequel is the better pick for multiplayer. The Division 2 takes place in Washington D.C. and largely revolves around gang warfare. The central storyline will keep players busy for quite a while as they take on missions either solo or in co-op. Although not a requirement to finish the campaign, the latter is nonetheless one of the RPG’s selling points, especially since co-op highlights The Division 2‘s versatile character-build options.



Best Looter Shooter Games Ever Made, Ranked

Borderlands is not the only franchise that drowns players in weapons. These are the best looter shooter games.

The Division 2 also supports PvP multiplayer, and this element comes in multiple forms. Players can jump into a quick match through the “Conflict” menu, which offers a range of modes like Team Deathmatch. The map also has a few Dark Zones that revolve around PvP, turning these areas into free-for-alls where death could be around every corner.

Worms W.M.D

Fun Evolution Of A Multiplayer Classic

Worms W.M.D.

PS Plus Availability

Extra & Premium


August 23, 2016

Number of Players


Debuting in 1995, Worms is a staple of the multiplayer scene, particularly on PlayStation consoles. While not quite as popular as some other heavyweights, the franchise is generally quite consistent, with most of its entries offering accessible strategy fun that contains more depth than might initially seem to be the case. Worms Rumble was a departure from the status quo, but its predecessor, Worms W.M.D. was a relatively conventional expansion of the license’s traditional gameplay loop. Players who grew up on Worms Armageddon will likely get a kick out of the 2016 release, especially if they manage to find a few friends who are willing to jump on board for a match.

As always, battles consist of armies of slang-spewing worms who seem to have a death wish and are always one wrong crawl from meeting an explosive end. With a focus on short turnarounds, Worms W.M.D. moves at a fast pace for a strategy title, and its challenge comes from players having to make quick AND smart decisions. Single-player options are available, and newcomers will want to start offline so they can get used to the game’s various weapons and mechanics. Nowadays, online matches against strangers can be difficult to come by, although it is not impossible; however, Worms W.M.D. is a blast when played with friends. The PvP supports up to 6 players, so battles can get chaotic very quickly.

Tetris Effect: Connected

Great In Co-Op, Great In PvP

Tetris Effect adapts the classic arcade game for modern consoles, delivering a faithful experience with a gorgeous presentation and a unique twist courtesy of a focus on music along with the implementation of zones. The vanilla version’s single-player content is great but Connected elevates the package’s value through its implementation of multiplayer. The game supports PvP and co-op, enabling players to decide whether they want to lift each other up or drag their opponent down.

Connected has a range of multiplayer modes, including a throwback to old-school Tetris that eliminates most of the game’s modern flourishes. The cooperative options are also a ton of fun and make great use of Tetris Effect‘s unique ideas.

Monopoly Madness

Fun Twist On A Board Game Classic

Monopoly Madness

PS Plus Availability

Extra & Premium


December 8, 2021

Number of Players


At one point or another, most people have probably played Monopoly. One of the most inescapable board games of all time, the original title’s popularity is only matched by its infamous reputation for sparking arguments and frustration. It is safe to say that Monopoly is polarizing, and quite a few people might physically shiver at the thought of playing a digital version. However, Monopoly Madness does a great job of translating the core ideas behind the source material into a party game that is frantic, fun, and – most importantly – brief. Thankfully, these matches come with a strict time limit that ensures players won’t be stuck in an endless battle for hours on end.

Somewhat surprisingly, Monopoly Madness has single-player content courtesy of a story mode that lasts for a few hours. This type of project could have easily skipped over this option, but it is nice to have it. That said, the game’s appeal is its online PvP, which allows up to 6 players to compete in a chaotic but satisfying rush to acquire the most property and, ultimately, cash.

Dragon Ball FighterZ

Deep But Accessible Combat

Dragon Ball FighterZ

PS Plus Availability

Extra & Premium


January 26, 2018

Number of Players

1-16 (Tournament)

Usually, fighters that have been out for a few years can be inaccessible to newcomers since their bases would largely consist of veterans and experts, but Arc’s Dragon Ball FighterZ has a relatively low entry barrier for beginners. Compared to the developer’s other anime fighters, this release streamlines its controls and mechanics. More importantly, the single-player campaign teaches the basics quite well; in fact, players who plan to play through the story should skip the practice mode as they will be taught the same stuff.


Dragon Ball FighterZ: 7 Moves You Should Avoid Using

Dragon Ball FighterZ has many devastating moves that players can use to their advantage, though these seven should ideally be ignored.

That is all well and good, but none of it would matter if Dragon Ball FighterZ was not great. Even though PS Plus Extra is hardly lacking in fighters, Arc’s project stands out from the crowd through its visuals and addictive gameplay loop. The title looks just as good, if not better, than its animated source material, particularly when a character executes a superattack. The combat is fast-paced but manageable, all the while offering more than enough depth for people who want to master the game’s nuances.

Solid Entry Option Into the Long-Running MMORPG

PS Plus Availability

Extra & Premium


April 4, 2014

Number of Players

1-4 (Co-Op)

Although it launched to a somewhat mediocre reception, The Elder Scrolls Online is staring down a decade of success. Since 2014, the MMORPG has produced seven expansions, most of which were positively received by the community. Now, anyone looking to get the full experience will need to purchase the additional content individually or pick up the Necrom Collection, which contains the base game and all the currently released chapters (but not any future expansions). Due to the necessary investment, it does not make too much sense to not own the base game, especially since a copy can typically be found for a fairly low price.


Elder Scrolls Online: 13 Best Weapon Sets, Ranked

Finding the right weapon in ESO can really help players throughout their adventures. These weapon sets are considered to be the best in the game.

So, what is the value of having ESO on PS Plus Extra? Primarily, its inclusion allows people who are on the fence to try out the game without having to drop any extra cash. They can sample the four base classes and experience the early quests and exploration. Although most of the expansions eclipse the vanilla content, the latter is still of high quality and serves as a more than adequate sample of the game’s fundamental mechanics. The project requires a PS Plus subscription regardless of whether someone owns a physical copy or not, so newcomers might as well give it a try before committing to the life-consuming MMO.

Deceive Inc.

Interesting Multiplayer With Focus On Infiltration

Deceive Inc.

PS Plus Availability

Extra & Premium


March 21, 2023


Sweet Bandits Studios

Number of Players


Deceive Inc. has a great concept for a competitive multiplayer game, and it is executed well enough to warrant a recommendation despite not having the biggest playerbase. That said, on the PS5, populated matches are still relatively viable, even if someone’s success rate may depend on what time they are logged in. So, what do matches consist of? Well, players take on the role of spies who are infiltrating fairly expansive maps so they can try to steal an item from a vault. If they are successful, they must then escape via flying car extraction. Deceive Inc. has a ’70s aesthetic and vibe, both in its character designs and general tone, which leans into spy thrillers from that decade. While derivative to an extent, the game has a unique look that sets it apart from other multiplayer shooters.

Now, obviously, players will not be the only ones trying to break into the vault, as every spy will be working towards that goal. Whether playing solo or as part of a team, Deceive Inc. emphasizes stealth and keeping a low profile, with disguises being arguably each player’s best weapon (except for, you know, guns). Especially during the insertion phase (which involves acquiring intel, swapping disguises, accessing restricted areas, and disabling terminals), players will want to blend in with the many, many NPCs and avoid being signaled out as a spy by AI guards or other players. When the latter happens, gun fights quickly break out, transforming Deceive Inc. into a more conventional PvP shooter. It is even possible to win matches by just eliminating all the other spies too.

Riders Republic

Extreme Sports

Riders Republic seemingly came and went without making too much noise, which is typically a death sentence for an online-driven package like this. Fortunately, Ubisoft’s open-world game allows most of its content to be experienced with either other players or AI, so Riders Republic can still be enjoyed even during spells when there are not too many people online. Ubisoft has also supported the game well since its debut; for example, a 2023 update added hoverboards.

Extreme sports games are rare in this day and age, and while not flawless, this 2021 release is a more than competent entry in the genre. Riders Republic includes a few different disciplines, tons of content, and a visually stunning environment to explore. As far as multiplayer games are concerned, this one is quite a relaxing and low-stress option.

Fallout 76

Has Improved Considerably Over The Years

Fallout 76

PS Plus Availability

Extra & Premium


November 14, 2018

Fallout 76 had a notoriously terrible launch, to the point of becoming something of a laughingstock. More than six years later, the MMO has evolved into something worth a recommendation, and it works quite well as both a single-player and multiplayer option. Now, PvP is a very small part of the overall package and is not considered to be among the game’s main selling points; however, players can engage in some competitive play if they feel so inclined. Still, this title should not be anyone’s first pick if they are specifically craving PvP.


Fallout 76: 14 Fastest Ways To Level Up

Gamers who want to level up fast in Fallout 76 can use these simple tips to get the job done.

Due to its genre, Fallout 76 arguably does not get going until its endgame, an area that the project excels in. Once people have played through most of the main campaign, they can focus on things like raid bosses and events, while looking forward to a constant stream of updates.

MotoGP 24

A Challenging But Impressive Racing Sim For Those Who Want To Focus On Two-Wheel Drives

MotoGP 24

Top Critic Rating:

Critics Recommend:

PS Plus Availability

Extra & Premium



Similar to other annual franchises, MotoGP can be hard to recommend to the uninitiated. At this point, most people who might be interested likely already know if this is a series they want to try out or are willing to invest some time per year on the latest entry. Even more so than, say, EA Sports FC, MotoGP is a niche, targeting a subset of racing fans that are enamored specifically by bikes rather than cars. As a racing sim that tends to produce pretty challenging games, MotoGP is not particularly accessible and comes with a steep learning curve.

Now, MotoGP 24 is one of the better entries in this series, along with being a touch more beginner-friendly than its predecessors. Complete newcomers will still need to go through a few races to start getting into the speed of things, but the journey to competency is shorter than ever before. The single-player campaign is arguably the main attraction and should be someone’s first stop if they are new to this series. That said, MotoGP 24‘s multiplayer is generally well done, offering both online leaderboards and local split-screen for those who want to challenge their friends. Nothing groundbreaking by any stretch of the imagination, but executed to a solid enough degree to warrant a recommendation to people craving a different type of racing sim.

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