Best Hidden Areas at Final Fantasy 7 Birth again


  • Final Fantasy 7 Rebiat is full of hidden efforts and sights waiting for excavation.

  • Unique interaction and wonders, such as romance in Calcles and hidden concerts, provide reward.

  • Finding hidden spots such as the Grasslands port and Hajj war simulator can lead to valuable rewards.

The Final Fantasy 7 Rebiat has been long enough for the players to really drown on their map, and certainly there is no content in that section. You've probably stopped here and there to get wet on this world and its gorgeous images. Fortunately, this game is an excuse to discover almost all the corners of any skilled area in using its various efforts.


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But even beyond, the rebirth of a bakery over time over time powdered sugar, watering dozens of interesting signs and efforts around the world. Most of these points can be easily found when exploring or even in the process of completing a heavy game list from the side search. However, there is always a map as much as this map, and there is a good opportunity that you have lost at least one couple.

Updated on January 30, 2025 by Dan Canalin: The recent launch of the Final Fantasy 7 Rebiat on PC has brought a completely new audience with a completely new set of eyes to discover all its huge maps. There is always something new to discover, and fans have come up with new secrets since launching new players, giving new players even more surprises because they enjoy this incredible game for the first time.


An unexpected romantic

  • Location: The area of ​​grasslands, kale, south side

Almost at the beginning of the Final Fantasy 7 birthday, you can find a little knot in the start of the Kalm, where the two are at war. Very good when video games are accurate to real life. In this case, the women are discussing after they realize that both have met with a man two the same time. Will the relativity never stop?

If you go back, their spot continues throughout the game and evolves, and if you check with them later, you will find that the two are really paid. Seeing this is very encouraging, and they keep their hands adversely, as they suggest you go to the golden plate. Here we hope that they will not try for that shinra Middle manager. This can ruin any relationship.


A hidden concert

  • Location: The area of ​​grasslands, kale, south side

For the first city you visit in this game, Calm has a surprise depth. Just like the rest of the game, it packs it in detail and even some return calls. For those who enjoy all the small things in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, this is the one for you.


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On the southern side of the center of the village of Kalma, you will find a small concert held by anyone other than Akira, which you probably saw as a Karaoke singer. This is also a real concert. He performs three complete songs for your pleasure and the average song he has drawn. Get a refreshing potion and set up for some songs.


Fortress of grasslands

  • Location: Grasslands Area, West Kalm

As the first large scattered area where you can roam at Final Fantasy 7 Rebiat, Grasslands offers a medium -sized map to discover, so you won't get too far away from the gate. Most of the main ideas of the game are created here, such as finding a chocobo to ride, lateral cleansing and card -based entertainment known as queen blood.

The point is, you may not miss a little of the teaser of the things that come in the future, that is the secret port where you can small, small, small, small bronze where you can (and literally) Cut, drag. You can actually find this point right from the first time you go to the world, provided you move the whole way west to the northwestern part of the arid region. In addition, there is even one substance there. In it, Yofi.


The time of the frog

  • Location: Junun area, under Junun, south side

In the Junun area, you will have the opportunity to reduce life in a very different and very slippery way. Of course, it is assumed that you have been slow enough to find this effort in the first place. After the boss's struggle under Junun and the nap, you will encounter a legend and unfortunate Roche. He has asked you to follow him to Joonon, but those who stick around are probably one of the most enjoyable moments of the game.

Going to the mission board near you will try to call you all the frogs. The ping on the map puts it right with the coil entrance under Junon, but to find the customer, you have to go down and cross the pond and fight deeply. Here you will find some new spring friends and a strange frog effort.


A quick way to the Gangaga reactor

  • Location: Ghongaga area, near Maku's secret memory

As much as the name of the gangaga is fun, moving in the region can be decisively lower. Fortunately, your Chocobo is much more agile this time, but you still need to find certain points that provide such a move. The point is that there are more than you probably noticed, including the case that can be reduced at some time of travel.


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Through the crater you see when you see a quick trip, head to the Maku and banana cache in the south. Make sure your Chocobo is with you, because you will quickly see some songs leading to a heavy branch and just waiting for you to draw on it, the audio style. Use it and you will find yourself that is right outside the Gongaga reactor, and potentially save time that may be spent in trying to negotiate your way on the way .


ISO Fishing Hole Square

  • Location: Ghongaga area, south of iso

Gangaga's weird weapons appear to spend half of their time, and the other half loudly loudly to scare the villagers nearby. But he also seems to have a hidden depth, including a secret fishing area that all for himself. Fortunately, while you can't get fish, you can plunder the scattered goods there. Hi, he clearly didn't use them.

Go to the south of the ISO and you cannot lose the cache of fishing hole. But be sure to bring a chocobo, as it makes the point move vertically in search of the last chest.



  • Location: Cosmo Canyon area, southeastern Cosmo Chocobo Ranch, which is available through the sloping level number 18

Talking about warehouses and vertical, here is one of the things that may make you look like a genius to understand it. In the Cosmo Canyon area, you may have seen a seemingly apparent crash on a cliff during your third or 40th score at Minigame Gliding Chocobo. But its location is a little trick, because trying to just make it a wall like this is a long Looney Tunes game.

Assuming you have access to Chocobos in this area, you should go from the sloping level # 18, then float among the amplifiers you see between you and the broken. Finally, you will find yourself in Celetica, which is a little more than the other cache, but let's come, this is the journey that counts.


Cosmo Canyon port

  • Location: Cosmo Canyon area, via the Eastern Cave Lifespring Station No. 1

Just like the meadows, you probably finish the Cosmo Canyon area without feeling the need for a dock again when getting a small bronze. Aside from the fact that you can only travel there, this port is surprisingly hidden.



When you could swear, it was different in the main game.

Travel to the Lifespring Navigation Station # 1 and right. Go to the east through the cave and you will find a cozy small pond once again. Unfortunately this is not the case. Jofi is unhappy.


Nibel AirStrip Chocobo Stop

  • Location: Nibel Northwest End Nibel

If you are trying to get any Chocobo baby like the real gamer you are, here is one of the things that may eliminate you. Typically, small chickens do not look anywhere and give you a long -lasting distance to stop your Chocobo. But that must be shy.

When you enter the Nibel area, don't go to the desert yet. Instead, just start running to the other end of the airplane on which you landed. You'll find the way back there, with a little friend who waits for the last second to finally say hello to you. To be honest, as far as social situations go, it is very reliable.


Hojo's war simulator

  • Location: Nibel area, Shina Manor

At the beginning of Chapter 12, you can curse in the lateral effort. This will bring you back to Shinra Manor, where you can consider a series of war challenges by Hoojo hologram, which is almost as uncomfortable as you are a real thing around .

But real meat comes after trying, because it allows you to have more war challenges to increase difficulty. You definitely want to do this, because ending them will open a secret compartment that allows you to collect the plumose bar for Aerith. This gives him the ability to judge and also looks very beautiful. A good fashion is a reward for itself.

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