- Female villains like Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn have evolved to become iconic figures in the DC Universe.
- Characters like Catwoman, Giganta, and Killer Frost also play significant villainous roles in the DC Comics world.
- DC boasts compelling female villains such as Cheetah, Grail, and Lady Shiva, adding depth and variety to its universe.
“The hammer of justice is unisex.” This great quote is from none other than Batman, and something that couldn’t be more true when it comes to the DC Universe. No matter the gender, villainy is around every corner, in every multiverse. There are some great female villains in DC Comics, and the most iconic deserve the utmost recognition, not that it undermines the plethora of female characters in DC Comics.
These female villains are noted for their dedicated time on the comic pages and the turmoil that they put famous DC heroes in. It takes experience and guts to be an iconic female villain, and these characters are the best of the best for their feats and the legacy that expands with every year in the comics.

Best Batman Live-Action Movie Villains, Ranked
Batman’s Rogues Gallery has been explored in various decades, and some incredible talent has filled the shoes of Gotham’s most twisted villains.
Updated on January 26, 2025 by Ben Painter: DC Comics villains like the Joker, Lex Luthor and Darkseid are very iconic, but it is not just the male baddies who are held in high regard among fans. Several female evildoers are just as iconic. None more so than the Joker’s former partner in crime, Harley Quinn, who has been shot into the mainstream with appearances in the live-action Suicide Squad and her very own animated series, Harley Quinn. There are so many more female villains in DC who have tangled with the likes of Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. This update adds five more of the most iconic female villains in DC Comics.
Duela Dent
First Appearance: Batman Family #6 (August, 1976)
- Powers & Abilities: Marksmanship, Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic)
Originally introduced as a part of Earth-3, the universe of the Crime Syndicate, an evil version of the Justice League. She traveled over to the mainstream universe and became an annoyance to Robin. Dent claimed she was the Joker’s daughter, but it was later revealed that she was the daughter of the Jokester, the good version of Joker from Earth-3.
In Catwoman Vol 4 #23 (October 2013), a version of the character was introduced in the DC Prime-Earth, but this version was a disturbed child of an unnamed couple who claimed she was the Joker’s daughter. She has spent time as a member of the Suicide Squad but now allies herself with Red Hood and Arsenal as part of the Outlaws.
Sofia Falcone
First Appearance: Batman: The Long Halloween #6 (May, 1997)
- Powers & Abilities: Leadership, Marksmanship, Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic)
First appearing in the iconic Batman comic, The Long Halloween, Sofia Falcone was the daughter of Gotham crime boss Carmine “The Roman” Falcone. After the death of her father she became the head of the organisation and eventually the serial killer known as the Hang Man.

DC: Most Important Characters in Batman’s Life
Batman’s life as a superhero and the vigilante that protects Gotham City wouldn’t be what it was if not for these iconic characters that aid him.
In the mainstream media, she is best known for being played by Cristin Milioti in The Batman‘s follow-up series, The Penguin, which was a very accurate interpretation of the character. Although her history is closer tied to Two-Face rather than ‘Oz Cobb’.
First Appearance: Sensation Comics #68 (August, 1947)
- Powers & Abilities: Acrobatics, Archery, Gymnastics, Martial Arts, Boxing
There have been two characters who have donned the title of Tigress, originally by Paula Brooks in the New Earth continuity. She would later go on to be known as The Huntress. Brooks would be worked into Prime Earth briefly as a villain of the Justice Society and a rival of Wildcat.
However, Tigress is best known as the mantle of Artemis Crock, a villain of the Green Arrow and daughter of Paula Brooks and the villain, the Sportsmaster. They trained her from a young age to be a criminal, making her a proficient athlete and archer. The character is probably best known as a hero, a member of the Young Justice team from the TV show of the same name. This Artemis began as a young hero but had similar origins.
First Appearance: All-Star Batman #2 (November, 2016)
- Powers & Abilities: Business Management, Interrogation, Intimidation, Leadership, Toxicology, Tracking, Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
Copperhead was always portrayed as a male character in the comics, that was until the video game Batman Arkham Origins gave her a more feminine persona. This was well-received by fans, and this version made its way onto the page in 2016.

DC: Most Evil Batman Villains, Ranked
Batman has one of the most iconic Rogues Galleries in DC Comics, but which of them proves to be the most evil?
Just like the plot of the game, she was hired to assassinate Batman, but this didn’t go to plan. She moved on to Central City to lead her family’s crime operation, but this, of course, was halted by the Flash. Her real name is unreveled, but she uses a set of claws coated in potent toxins to aid in her crime.
Morgaine le Fey
First Appearance: Batman #36 (August, 1946)
- Powers & Abilities: Magic, Immortality, Disintegration, Summoning, Eldritch Blast, Heat Vision, Geokinesis, Dimensional Travel, Flight, Occultism, Genius Level Intellect
Morgaine le Fey is a character which is both a Marvel and DC interpretation, just like Ares, Dracula and Hercules. Due to them being based on myths and legends. In this case, Morgaine le Fey is the evil sorceress of Arthurian legend.
After surviving for centuries, her age and beauty did not, and she found herself in Gotham City, in the modern-day, to work with Jason Blood would help her find the tomb of Merlin to restore her to her full power and glory. She is a powerful magic user and will stop at nothing to be on top once again.
Scandal Savage
First Appearance: Villains United #1 (July, 2005)
- Powers & Abilities: Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced), Peak Human Condition
Scandal Savage is the daughter of the immortal supervillain, Vandal Savage and has followed in her father’s footsteps in the path of evil. Born in Brazil to an unknown mother, Savage is best known as a member of the villain group, the Secret Six and is in a relationship with fellow member Knockout.
She operates as a mercenary, and she and the rest of the Secret Six are hired for missions, usually involving assassination. Her primary weapons are her wrist-mounted lamentation blades that can change size depending on what she aims to do with them. Savage claims they have been in her family for a long time, considering Vandal Savage has been alive for over 50,000 years, this claim is probably true.
Silver Swan
First Appearance: Wonder Woman Vol 2 #3 (April, 1987)
- Powers & Abilities: Nanite Manipulation: Claws, Mechanical Wings, Flight, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Strength, Sonic Scream, Technokinesis
Vanessa Kapatelis, or as she is otherwise known as the Silver Swan, was originally a friend of Wonder Woman. Her mother, Julia, was Wonder Woman’s mentor in the mortal world, and they grew close as a result of this.

DC: Strongest Villains Of All Time, Ranked
DC is home to some ridiculously powerful individuals, but not all of them are good. Here are some of the most powerful villains in the DC universe.
This was until the work of Diana’s enemy, Doctor Psycho, who used his mind-control powers to influence Kapatelis into hating Wonder Woman. In the Prime Earth timeline, Silver Swan idolizes Wonder Woman and receives Nanite implants to fix her broken legs. Upon realizing Diana was never special to her, she snapped and became the supervillain known as Silver Swan and has tangled with the Amazon on many occasions.
Emerald Empress
First Appearance: Adventure Comics #352 (January, 1967)
- Powers & Abilities: Emerald Eye of Ekron: Energy Projection, Flight, Force Field, Illusion Casting, Self-Sustenance, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Strength
Emerald Empress is a supervillain from the 30th Century and is a member of the Fatal Five, the sworn enemies of the Legion of Superheroes. With no real superpowers of her own, she employs the mystical Emerald Eye of Ekron, who gains her various energy and magical abilities.
She is also known to work with the powerful multiversal threat, Superboy-Prime, as a member of the Legion of Super-Villains. Her relationship with the Emerald Eye of Ekron is not all that it seems, and she appears to be controlled by it, acting with relief to be free after Legionaire Princess Projectra used her powers to break their bond.
First Appearance: Justice League Vol 2 #23 (October, 2013)
- Powers & Abilities: Flight, Heat Vision, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Durability, Immortality
In Earth-3 of the DC Comics Multiverse, the Justice League is evil and is known as the Crime Syndicate. One of these members is Superwoman, who is their Wonder Woman representative. Although her powers are much more akin to Superman, hence her name as Superwoman.

DC Characters Who Have Appeared In The Most Live-Action Movies
Some DC characters are more popular than others and have featured across the multiverse in various movies over the decades.
Her true name is actually Lois Lane, and she is in a dysfunctional relationship with Ultraman, although she engages in affairs with fellow Crime Syndicate member Owlman and the team’s archnemesis Alexander Luthor (Lex Luthor, who is on the side of good in this reality). She and her teammates are hellbent on world domination and will kill whoever it takes to get there. They have clashed with the regular Justice Leage on many multiversal escapades.
First Appearance: Firestorm Vol 2 #7 (December, 1982)
- Powers & Abilities: Unique Physiology, Bio-Chemical Projection
A political activist and eco-terrorist, Plastique gained the ability to project explosive force from her body, which she uses to aid in her terrorist activities. Originally, she was an enemy of Firestorm but has tangled with the likes of Captain Atom, who she eventually would go on to marry. Upon this betrothal, she hung up her gloves of evil but returned to a life of crime following their divorce.
Bette Sans Souci may be better known as a member of the Suicide Squad. She is a regular member of the roster, using her abilities for the side of good, albeit with the threat of death looming over her.
First Appearance: Justice League Vol 4 #8 (November, 2018)
- Powers & Abilities: Nigh-Omnipotence: Energy Projection, Energy Construct Creation, Reality Alteration, Molecular Reconstruction, Disintegration, Geokinesis, Resurrection, Bio-Fusion, Bio-Fission, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, Mechanokinesis, Size Alteration, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Immortality, Power Distribution, Teleportation, Dimensional Travel, Chronokinesis, Cosmic Awareness
She is a fairly new villain in DC Comics, only making her debut in 2018, but she has staked a claim as perhaps the most powerful female villain and villain altogether. With a powerset of just about everything, she is the original creator of the Multiverse and the Monitor, Anti-Moniter and World Forger. She is a force not to be messed with.

DC: Villains Who Defeated The Justice League
The Justice League has known defeat in the DC universe, despite their strength. Here are several villains who got the best of them.
Her influence over Mobius resulted in the famous DC arc, The Crisis on Infinite Earths, as well as all other Crises in history. She has been behind the scenes of the DC Universe, pulling the strings, and has formed alliances with both Lex Luthor and the Batman Who Laughs to defeat the Justice League.
Lady Clayface
First Appearance: Outsiders #21 (July, 1987)
- Powers & Abilities: Metamorphosis, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Stamina, Power Replication.
Casual fans of DC may know the name of the Batman villain Clayface, but hardcore fans will know who Basil Karlo’s female counterpart, Lady Clayface is.
Also known as Sondra Fuller or Lady Clay, she was transformed into a clay-like being by the Kobra Cult as a willing participant as she hated her own face and has become a valued foe to the vigilante group, the Outsiders. Along with the original Clayface and Preston Payne (Clayface III) to form the Mud Pack. She has earned her spot as an iconic DC villain in her own right due to her recent comic appearances.
First Appearance: Tales of the Teen Titans #56 (August, 1985)
- Powers & Abilities: Magic, Energy Projection, Flight, Geokinesis, Pyrokinesis, Aerokinesis, Telekinesis
The Teen Titans are one of the most famous superhero teams in the DC Universe and Jinx is a regular combatant, so it makes sense that she is one of the more recognizable female DC Villains.

DC Characters That Should Be Part Of LEGO’s Helmet Line
LEGO’s line of iconic pop culture helmets is lacking in DC Universe representation, including these characters that deserve their own LEGO sets.
As a powerful sorcerer, Jinx is a member of the Fearsome FIVE along with Mammoth, Psimon, Doctor Light, and Gizmo, and she has battled many heroes throughout her run in the comics. The character has been featured in the popular animated series Teen Titans and Teen Titans Go! and made her live-action bout in season 4 of Titans.
First Appearance: Action Comics #471 (May 1977)
- Powers & Abilities: Heat Vision, Super-Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision, Telescopic Vision, X-Ray Vision, Flight, Invulnerability, Enhanced Immunity, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Agility, Superhuman Reflexes, Super-Breath, Longevity
A Kryptonian supervillain, Foara possesses all the powers of Superman, so, therefore, she is insanely dangerous. She was imprisoned in the Phantom Zone, thus surviving Krypton’s destruction. A regular ally of General Zod, Faora shares his ideals of creating the perfect world for “pure Kryptonians” and will destroy anything or anyone that gets in her way.
In the mainstream, she was played by Antje Traue in the DCEU’s Man of Steel and again in The Flash. The character also served as an inspiration for Ursa in 1978’s Superman.
First Appearance: New Teen Titans Annual #2 (September, 1983)
- Abilities: Hand-to-hand Combat, Martial Arts, Acrobatics, Poison Specialist, Seduction.
Once stated by Black Canary as the second-deadliest female assassin (behind Lady Shiva), Cheshire is just that. And, she is also a master of poison, coating her nails with toxins to deliver deadly blows.

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Wonder Woman may be a highlight of the DCEU, but even Amazons have their weak points. Here are the greatest weaknesses she has.
A regular enemy of the Titans, Jade Nguyen has routinely been romantically involved with Arsenal, Roy Harper. With an iconic mask and twin sai weaponry, Cheshire has become an iconic DC villain over the years. She was a big player in the Young Justice animated series as the sister of the main character Artemis. Cheshire cannot be trusted. Using the art of seduction, men fall to their knees, and she gets them right where she wants them.
First Appearance: Superboy (vol. 4) #1 (February 1994)
- Powers & Abilities: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, Immortality, Accelerated Healing
Originally from the planet of Apokolips, she was one of Granny Goodness’ Female Furies but was first encountered as an enemy of Superboy not long after he moved to Hawaii in the ‘90s.
She has used her powers of seduction and super strength to aid her in her quest for evil. She has been a member of the Suicide Squad but was killed in 2007 by Infinity-Man as he tracked down and killed New Gods. A short but iconic appearance in DC Comics, in other media she made an appearance in 2018’s animated movie, Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay.
Rose Wilson
First Appearance: Deathstroke #15 (October 1992)
- Powers & abilities: Unique Physiology, Enhanced Mental Capabilities, Perfect Recall, Eidetic Kinesthesia, Accelerated Healing, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Stamina, Enhanced Reflexes, Intuitive Precognition.
As the daughter of Deathstroke, Rose Wilson has big boots to fill, but this character draws the line between good and evil and has even joined the Teen Titans, the team that her father has sought to destroy.
Sometimes known as Ravager, Rose has had some play in the spotlight featuring in the TV show Titans, showcasing her set of skills. This includes the ability to replicate anything once she has seen it once, combining this with her enhanced speed, strength, and agility, she is a worthy foe of those who oppose her, whether that be the heroes or the villains.
Queen Bee
First Appearance: Justice League of America #23 (November 1963)
- Powers & abilities: Alien Physiology, Bee Control, Flight, Hypno Pollen, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed
Zazzala of the hive-world of Korll, is a villain that has tangled with the Justice League on multiple occasions over the years, and plots for the interstellar expansion of her species.

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The iconic DC Comics superheroes have their work cut out for them when faced against the most evil DC super villain teams.
With a powerset that includes the control of bees, flight, and hypno pollen (which allows her to take command anyone to do as she pleases), she is a dominant foe and deserves to be the star villain of a movie. Queen Bee has featured in Young Justice, Justice League Unlimited, and Smallville but these have only been minor roles.
First Appearance: The New Teen Titans #22 (August 1982)
- Powers & abilities: Tamaranean Physiology, Linguistic Assimilation, Energy Absorption, Flight, Interstellar Travel, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Strength, Prehensile Tongue, Cold and Heat Immunity, Blackbolts.
It appears that most comic characters have some form of evil sibling and Starfire is no exception as her big sister Blackfire is her polar opposite.
Just like Starfire of the Teen Titans, Komand’r or Blackfire hails from Tamaran, and on the day of her birth the Citadel Empire attacked the Tamaranean city of Kyssar and took the lives of over 3,000 citizens despite her just being born she was blamed for this attack and stripped of her birthright as the ruler of Tamaran. This drove her to detest her people and her sister who was given the title instead of her.
Talia Al Ghul
First Appearance: Detective Comics #411 (May 1971)
- Powers & abilities: Longevity, Genius Level Intellect, Business Management, Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced), Marksmanship, Swordsmanship.
A true challenge for Batman is Talia al Ghul. Not only is she the daughter of Ra’s al Ghul, head of the Demon and user of the Lazarus Pit, but she has all of his finances, skills, battle knowledge, deranged sense of morality, and more. Talia makes herself a great adversary of her fighting abilities and her love for Batman.
What makes Talia al Ghul a compelling villain is her loyalty and hatred to her father and the fact that she is the mother of Bruce Wayne’s child, Damian Wayne. Talia has cemented herself into the Wayne bloodline with Damian as the heir to Batman and the Demon.