Best Boots In Baldur’s Gate 3 (& How To Get Them)

Unsurprisingly, the boot category of gear in Baldur’s Gate 3 mostly impacts the player’s movement capabilities in one way or another. Whether they protect the wearer from debuffs, provide a movement boost in certain scenarios, or just give a flat athletics boost, these are the most common things players will encounter.


Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Items For Wisdom

Wisdom is an important stat for classes like Cleric and Druid in Baldur’s Gate 3, and these items will further help boost it.

In Baldur’s Gate 3, there are, however, boots with additional abilities, clearly targeted either at certain playstyles or specific classes. In light of that, the best BG3 boots for each individual will depend on their play style. That being said, it’s hard to go wrong with any of the following options.

Updated January 23, 2025, by Joe Grantham: Given the scale of Baldur’s Gate 3, understanding all the different types of equipment can be hard, and it’s no different for boots. It is hard to determine which boots are the absolute best in the game, seeing as many pairs of boots can become overpowered when slotted into a particular build but would also be useless as part of another. Therefore, this list mostly aims to provide a selection of great boots with all the necessary stats and effects clearly displayed so that players can make up their own minds on which footwear suits them best.


Boots Of Very Fast Blinking

Gain The Misty Step Spell

Baldur's Gate 3 Boots of Very Fast Blinking






Misty Step (Level 2 Spell): Teleport to an unoccupied spot.

  • Location: Given by Akabi at the Circus of the Last Days, Act 3.

While not providing any passive buffs, the Boots of Very Fast Blinking grant a strong spell in the form of Misty Step. This instant teleport allows characters to escape sticky situations, surprise enemies, and reach otherwise inaccessible locations. Best of all with these boots, it is cast for free and as a Bonus Action.

To get hold of the Boots of Very Fast Blinking, players will need to head to the Circus of the Last Days in Rivington when they begin Act 3. Head to the big jackpot wheel run by Akabi, a Djinni, and upon losing, he grants consolation prizes. One such prize is the pair of boots.


Boots Of Genial Striding

Don’t Be Slowed By Difficult Terrain

Baldur's Gate 3 Boots of Genial Striding






Genial Strider: The wearer’s Movement Speed is unimpeded by Difficult Terrain.

  • Location: Sold by Blurg in the Ebonlake Grotto, Act 1.

Often, in Baldur’s Gate 3, players will be forced to walk through different types of Difficult Terrain, which in battle, can thoroughly impede their plan. One problem caused by Ice, Mud, or Spikes, for example, is that Movement Speed is halved, meaning characters can’t travel as far.

Thankfully, the Boots of Genial Striding are an early way to counteract this loss of movement, with them being found in the latter stages of Act 1. More specifically, they can be acquired at the Ebonlake Grotto, otherwise known as the Myconid Colony in the Underdark. They are sold by Blurg, a hobgoblin trader.


Boots Of Uninhibited Kushigo

Perfect For Monks To Deal More Damage With Unarmed Attacks

Baldur's Gate 3 Boots of Uninhibited Kushigo






Experienced & Deadly: The wearer deals additional damage equal to their Wisdom Modifier with unarmed strikes.

  • Location: Found on a Githyanki monk in the Astral Plane at the start of Act 3.

While the Boots of Uninhibited Kushigo
won’t help everyone, they are great for Monk builds in BG3​​​​​​, specifically for those who attack with naught but their hands. It grants additional damage that scales with the wearer’s Wisdom, the stat which most Monks max.

The only downside is that players will need to wait for Act 3 to start, but they are thankfully found in the opening stages when the party enters the Astral Plane. The boots belong to Prelate Lir’i’c, a Githyanki Monk, who can be killed and looted.


Blackguard’s Greaves

Move Further Each Turn Thanks To Longstrider

Baldur's Gate 3 Dark Justiciar Boots





Medium Armor

  • +1 Athletics
  • Strider Movement: Gain Longstrider, increasing Movement Speed by 3m.
  • Location: Looted from a death knight at the Murder Tribunal, Act 3.

While the Blackguard’s Greaves don’t look too fancy, they are incredibly useful over the course of an entire fight, as they allow players to travel further. This allows melee characters to more reliably reach their targets, meaning no turns are wasted. The small buff to Athletics is always welcome too, allowing players to more easily shove foes, possibly off of cliffs to their deaths.

Unfortunately, players will need to wait until Act 3 to acquire these boots, and by then, they may have obtained superior footwear. To get the boots, players will need to kill the death knight known as That Which Lurks in the Murder Tribunal.


Swiresy Shoes

Increase Jump Distance

Baldur's Gate 3 Swiresy Shoes






  • +1 Acrobatics
  • Refined Vaulting: Jump distance increased by 1.5m
  • Location: Bought at the Goblin Camp from Grat the Trader, Act 1.

Seeing as they can be found very early on in Act 1, the Swiresy Shoes are certainly something to pick up for one of the party members. A bonus to Acrobatics means that characters are less likely to be pushed off a cliff or into a toxic substance. More importantly, however, bigger jumps mean players are able to find more angles to attack from in fights, and the extra distance can make the difference between reaching a target or having to wait till the next turn.

To step into the comfy-looking Swiresy Shoes, players simply need to head over to the Goblin Camp during Act 1 and find Grat the Trader. They shouldn’t have to pay too much and can buy other useful Act 1 items from him too.


Boots Of Aid And Comfort

Perfect For Clerics As Heals Do More

Baldur's Gate 3 Boots of Aid and Comfort






When the wearer heals a target, it gains an additional 3 Temporary HP

  • Location: Bought at the Goblin Camp from Grat the Trader, Act 1.

The Boots of Aid and Comfort are perfect for Clerics in Baldur’s Gate 3 and other healers, as with each heal they perform, their target will gain an additional 3 Temporary hit points. While this might not seem like loads, it all adds up and is especially useful early on when these boots are acquired.

Players will find the Boots of Aid and Comfort at the Goblin Camp during Act 1 where they are sold by Grat the Trader. The only thing to bear in mind is that Temporary HP cannot stack when gained from other sources.


Spacehunt Boots

Allows The Wearer To Teleport Themselves & An Ally

Baldur's Gate 3 Spacehunt Boots






Dimension Door (Lvl 4 Spell): Teleports the wearer and one ally. Once per Long Rest.

  • Location: Looted from Dolor the assassin, Act 3.

The only thing that Spacehunt Boots do is provide players with the Dimension Door
spell, which can be cast without using a spell slot. However, due to the strength of the ability to teleport oneself and an ally, these are among the best BG3 boots. Dimension Door can be cast once per Long Rest, and players will need to be close enough to their ally to teleport them and themselves to a location within sight.

As the Spacehunt Boots belong to the assassin named Dolor, players will need to find and kill him during Act 3. He can first be found at the Wine Festival in the Lower City after players have read one of the Bloodstained Parchments hidden throughout the city. He will try to flee this fight using Dimension Door, and if successful, he can then be found at Facemaker’s Boutique.


Dark Justiciar Boots

Teleport To An Obscured Spot

Baldur's Gate 3 Dark Justiciar Boots





Medium Armor

  • Shadow Teleportation: Teleport to an unoccupied, obscured spot. Once per Short Rest.
  • Dexterity Saving Throws +1
  • Location: Reward for killing the Nightsong, Act 2.

The Dark Justiciar Boots come with an extremely strong ability that allows the wearer to teleport to any obscured spot. Jumping into the shadows can not only be used defensively, but it can be used offensively, too, especially by those with stealth builds that deal extra damage from the darkness. The wearer of these shoes will also gain +1 to all Dexterity Saving Throws. However, the character will need Medium Armor proficiency to wear them.

The major downside to the Dark Justiciar Boots is that they can only be found at the end of Act 2, and even then, their availability depends on a much bigger decision. This is because these boots belong to the Nightsong, and players will only get them if they allow Shadowheart to kill her.


Bonespike Boots

Be Tankier, Jump Further, & Knock Over Enemies

Baldur's Gate 3 Bonespike Boots




Very Rare


  • Evasive Instinct: The wearer has a +1 bonus to Armour Class and Saving Throws as long as they are not wearing armour or holding a shield.
  • Refined Vaulting: Jump distance is increased by 1.5 m / 5 ft.
  • Brutal Leap: Leap at a target and possibly knock it Prone.
  • Location: Inside a hidden passageway in Rivington, Act 3.

While there is a big caveat to Bonespike Boots
, with characters not able to get the most out of them unless they have no other armor or shield equipped, this makes them perfect for certain classes, such as Barbarians. With extra AC, the wearer is harder to hit, and they can also jump further thanks to the Brutal Leap passive. This action is perfect for jumping into the fray, hopefully knocking enemies prone before raining down strikes.

Bonespike Boots can be found at the end of the western trail leading away from the South Span Checkpoint in Rivington. There is a hidden passageway here with a trapped chest inside that contains the boots.


Evasive Shoes

Makes Avoiding Attacks More Likely & Falling Over Less Likely

Baldur's Gate 3 Evasive Shoes






  • Acrobatics +1
  • Armor Class +1
  • Location: Bought at the Last Light Inn, Act 2.

Armour Class is one of the most important stats in Baldur’s Gate 3, as the higher it is, the higher enemies must roll to successfully land attacks. High AC is normally acquired by wearing the best heavy armor, and so when it is provided for free in a pair of boots, players should definitely take it.

Evasive Boots not only provide A, but a bonus to Acrobatics, too, meaning the wearer is more likely to land on their feet when falling, like when being shoved, for example. Players can purchase these boots from Mattis at the Last Light Inn near the start of Act 2.


Vital Conduit Boots

Gain Temporary HP After Casting Concentration Spells

Baldur's Gate 3 Vital Conduit Boots





Medium Armor

  • Vital Conduit: Grants the wearer 8 temporary hit points when they cast a Spell that requires Concentration.
  • Athletics +1
  • Location: Bought at Creche Y’llek, Act 1.

If a character has Medium Armor Proficiency and often casts spells that require Concentration, then the Vital Conduit Boots
are a no-brainer. This is because they grant 8 temporary HP when casting a spell that requires Concentration, which, especially in the early and mid-game, can be the difference between life and death. The bonus to Athletics also means equipped characters have a better chance at shoving and resisting shoves. When deadly cliffs exist, this is no laughing matter.


Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Items For Charisma

Charisma characters in Baldur’s Gate 3 will hugely benefit from the following items. Here’s what Bards, Paladins, Sorcerers, and Warlocks should get.

Vital Conduit Boots can be purchased late in Act 1, at Creche Y’llek, from the Githyanki trader, A’jak’nir Jeera. Heading to the Githyanki hideout and through the mountains is one of the ways to reach Act 2 in BG3.


Boots Of Psionic Movement

Githyanki Deal More Damage After Flying

Baldur's Gate 3 Boots of Psionic Movement




Very Rare

Medium Armor

  • Githborn: Flying Boots (Lvl 3 Spell): Grants the ability to fly. Once per Long Rest.
  • Flying Strike: When a Githyanki casts Fly, their next melee weapon attack deals an additional 1d4 Psychic damage.
  • Dexterity Saving Throws +1
  • Location: Found beneath the Elfsong Tavern Basement, Act 3.

If players have a Githyanki in their party, then the Boots of Psionic Movement are one of their best options; for every other race, they are decent but not great. This is because Githyanki will deal bonus damage after flying, allowing for a playstyle where players fly in for the kill and, more often than not, secure it.

To find these boots, which also require Medium Armor Proficiency to be worn, players must find the Knights of the Shield Hideout in Act 3. This location can be accessed from the Elfsong Tavern Basement or the Lower City Sewers. Here, players must kill Ch’r’ai Har’rak, and can then loot these boots from her corpse.


Boots Of Speed

Great For Disengaging

Boots Of Speed in Baldur's Gate 3






Click Heels: Double movement speed for one turn and enemies will have Disadvantage on Opportunity Attacks.

  • Location: Received for curing Thulla in the Myconid Colony, Act 1.

Any Dungeons and Dragons player will know that, in some cases, the rogue class can become quite overpowered, with all their damage-dodging and cunning action abilities. While the aptly named Boots Of Speed
might not make the player feel godlike, they definitely will give them a taste.

These boots give the wearer a chance to double their movement speed on that turn. This is doubled if the character uses the dash ability, resulting in a total 4x increase in movement speed. Players can get Boots of Speed by giving Thulla an antidote in the Underdark, in the Myconid Colony. Alternatively, they can be purchased from Thulla if not received as a reward for curing her.


The Watersparkers

Perfect For Lightning Builds

The Watersparkers in Baldur's Gate 3






  • Electrify Water: When the wearer stands in water during combat, it becomes electrified.
  • Watersparks: If the wearer starts their turn on an electrified surface, they gain 3 Lightning Charges.
  • Location: Near Minthara in the Shattered Sanctum, Act 1.

The Watersparkers
are rare boots with two distinct abilities, which can give a player with good imagination a way to control the battlefield easily. First, the boots give the wearer 3 lightning charges if they start their turn on an electrified surface. Second, if the wearer stands in water during combat, the boots automatically electrify the water surface.

So, if the wearer, for example, decides to create water under a group of enemies and then use Misty Step
to teleport themselves into said water, then all the enemies in it will be suddenly electrocuted. The Watersparkers boots are located in the Shattered Sanctum inside a gilded chest next to Minthara.


Springstep Boots

Good For Movement

Springstep Boots in Baldur's Gate 3






Swift Strides: When the wearer Dashes or takes a similar action during combat, they gain Momentum for 3 turns.

  • Location: Behind Dror Ragzlin in the Shattered Sanctum, Act 1.

Another pair of boots that enhances the player’s movement are the Springstep Boots
. The boots give the wearer the ability of “Swift Strides,” meaning that the wearer gains momentum for three turns. This increases the ground the wearer can cover by three meters.


Baldur’s Gate 3: Areas You Might Have Missed In Act 2

Baldur’s Gate is a huge game, so it’s no surprised that some players missed these hard-to-find areas.

To trigger the ability, the wearer must use dash or a similar sort of action during their turn in combat. The Springstep Boots can be found in the Shattered Sanctum, in the treasure crates right behind Dror Ragzlin’s throne.


Linebreaker Boots

Buffs Melee Damage

Linebreaker Boots in Baldur's Gate 3






Adrenaline Rush: When the wearer Dashes or takes a similar action during combat, they gain Wrath for 3 turns. Wrath grants a +1 bonus to damage with melee weapons.

  • Location: Found in the Worg Pens of the Shattered Sanctum, Act 1.

The Linebreaker Boots
are great for situations when the player needs to add a little more oomph to their attacks. These rare boots offer the Wrath ability. It triggers as soon as the player dashes or takes a similar action during their turn in combat and lasts for three turns.

Wrath offers a +1 bonus to melee damage done. Sadly, however, there are other pieces of equipment that offer the same ability, such as the Cap Of Wrath
and the Bloodguzzler Garb
, but the bonuses do not stack. It would be prudent not to waste the slots, so players should use one slot to gain the Wrath ability and the rest for other buffs. Linebreaker Boots can be found in the Worg Pens, in the Shattered Sanctum, and are dropped by Beastmaster Zurk.


The Speedy Lightfeet

Perfect For Lightning Builds

Baldur's Gate 3 The Speedy Lightfeet





Medium Armor

  • Speedy Sparks: When the wearer dashes or takes a similar action during combat, they gain 3 Lightning Charges.
  • Athletics +1
  • Location: Near the mill in the Blighted Village, Act 1.

The Speedy Lightfeet
boots offer wearers the ability to gain three lightning charges as soon as they dash or use a similar action during their turn in combat. They also offer a +1 to athletics. The one issue with these boots is the fact that they are medium armor. This might not be useful to some characters, like rogues, who do not have medium armor proficiency, and thus gain a disadvantage on stealth while wearing them.

Still, in case these boots sound useful, The Speedy Lightfeet boots can be found inside a heavy chest, under the mill in the Blighted Village. The mill can be accessed via a wooden hatch.


Boots Of Brilliance

The Best Boots For Bards

Boots of Brilliance in Baldur's Gate 3






Restore Bardic Inspiration (Action)

  • Location: Inside a chest at the Grymforge, Act 1.

The Boots Of Brilliance
might just be one the most useful pieces of equipment in the game for Bards. It offers the ability for the wearer to restore a point of Bardic Inspiration. These Bardic Inspiration points can be the difference between life and death and can save the player from awful rolls.

Bardic Inspiration inspires a character to add a 1d6 to their attack roll, ability check, or a saving throw. That ability increases if a bard character has reached level five to a 1d8 and all the way to 1d10 if the bard is level ten. Is it overpowered? Yes. Does it matter? Not really. Boots of Brilliance can be found inside a mimic chest at the Grymforge.


Disintegrating Night Walkers

Good For Avoiding Sticky Situations

Disintegrating Night Walkers in Baldur's Gate 3




Very Rare


  • Night Walker: Can’t be Enwebbed, Entangled, or Ensnared and can’t slip on grease or ice.
  • Misty Step: Teleport to an unoccupied spot.
  • Location: Dropped by True Soul Nere at the Grymforge, Act 1.

There is a necklace in the game with similar effects; however, the Disintegrating Night Walkers
are a much better choice. Unlike the necklace, these boots can be used three times per day because they recharge during a short rest.

These boots offer the ability to avoid debuffs such as being enwebbed, entangled, or ensnared. And if that wasn’t enough, the wearer won’t slip on grease or ice either. Disintegrating Night Walkers can be found at the Grymforge and are dropped by the True Soul Nere.


Boots Of Persistence

Provides Great Mobility

Baldur's Gate 3 Boots of Persistence




Very Rare

Medium Armor

  • Freedom of Movement: Movement Speed can’t be reduced by Difficult Terrain, spells, or magical effects. Can’t be Paralyzed or Restrained.
  • Longstrider: Movement Speed is increased by 3 m.
  • Dexterity Saving Throws +1
  • Location: Bought from Dammon at the Forge of the Nine, Act 3.

In terms of movement, the Boots of Persistence
are arguably the best thanks to the Legendary Mobility effect that gives the player Freedom of Movement
and Longstrider
. Not only will players be unimpeded, but they will also travel further each turn.


Baldur’s Gate 3: 11 Areas You Might Have Missed In Act 3

Baldur’s Gate city proper in act 3 is appropriately expansive, both above and below the ground. As such, there are many areas players may have missed.

Boots of Persistence can be purchased from Dammon at the Forge of the Nine, where the Infernal Mechanic is found during Act 3 of the game. This is a location in the Lower City of Baldur’s Gate.

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