Best Allies For The Final Battle In Baldur’s Gate 3

Key Takeaways

  • Allies like Arabella, Duke Ravengard, and Volo offer special abilities and buffs to help in BG3’s final battle.
  • Characters such as Halsin, Mol, and Bhaal provide unique benefits and add to the party’s combat abilities.
  • Recruiting companions like Viconia, Auntie Ethel, and Isobel can turn the tide of the final fight with powerful healing and reinforcements.

In the final battle of Baldur’s Gate 3, players seek out the final boss and face them down in a fight to the death, but they don’t have to face them alone. Every Tav or Durge meets various characters along the way who can become staunch allies and join them in the final fight.

These characters will be gathered by the players as they prepare to enter the final stage of the game and gather in one of the few intact castle rooms before the final battle. This makes it important to know which allies are the most beneficial for these critical final fights.


Baldur’s Gate 3: Every Character That Can Join Your Camp

Players have the opportunity to recruit several characters to their camp in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Updated December 1, 2024, by Kristy Ambrose: Baldur’s Gate 3 cemented itself in the history of gaming in 2023 when it swept The Game Awards, and the winning streak continued in early 2024. There won’t be a sequel or DLC from Larian Studios, but patches and bug fixes are still ongoing. For example, the incoming Patch 8 will include some extra subclasses and crossplay options. Despite there being some talk of new Companions, however, it appears that’s something that has to wait for another game.

18 Arabella

Bring Her To Camp, Find Her Parents, Meet Her In The Sewers

  • Special Abilities: Weavewalker, Difficult terrain can’t slow the character down, can’t be magically paralyzed or magically restrained

It may come as a surprise that a young child can be a big help in BG3‘s final battle, but it becomes increasingly clear throughout the game that Arabella isn’t a completely ordinary tiefling child. Getting Arabella as an ally should be relatively easy for most heroic parties, as they will simply need to side with the Tieflings in Act One and help Arabella find her parents in Act Two.

In Act Three, where players can find Arabella again in the sewers, she will agree to help them. She will grant players Freedom of Movement for the final battles, which negates the movement effect of difficult terrain and prevents the players from being restrained. This is particularly helpful in the big fight on top of the Netherbrain as the movement becomes essential.

17 Duke Ravengard

Finish Wyll’s Companion Quest

  • Special Abilities: Rallied, 30 temporary hit points

Players only really need to do one thing to recruit Wyll’s esteemed father, Duke Ravengard, but it is a tough ask. Ravengard spends most of the game kidnapped, and this culminates in Act Three when he is restrained in Gortash’s underwater prison, The Iron Throne.


Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Wyll Build

Wyll is a powerful character that can be an amazing companion throughout BG3.

To get Ravengard as an ally, players will need to rescue him safely from the prison. This can be achieved by getting Wyll to stay in his pact with Mizora or simply by trying to free the Duke without aid. This will upset Wyll’s devilish patron, however, and make the task of getting Ravengard out of The Iron Throne even more daunting.

Doing so successfully will grant players the rallied condition for the final fights, a stronger version of what they are likely to have seen Zevlor use in the Druid’s Grove in Act One. Ravengard’s rallied condition blesses characters with a whopping 30 temporary hit points, and each hit point can be the difference between life and death.

16 Volo

Save Him From The Goblin Camp

  • Special Abilities: Volo’s Guide to Monsters, +2 to attack rolls, +2 to saving throws, +2 to ability checks

Volo is always amicable to the party but, as a controversial figure in the Far Realms, often needs rescuing from various precarious situations. To officially get Volo as an ally, players will need to rescue him first from the Goblin Camp in Act One. Volo can then be rescued again in Act Three, where he is tied to a cart full of explosives by an angry mob.

Getting Volo as an ally grants characters an ability inspired by his infamous works, Volo’s Guide to Monsters. Proving that knowledge is power and forewarned is forearmed, Volo’s information grants players a +2 to attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks, an overall strong buff to have to go into the final few battles.

15 Halsin

Save The Grove And Lift The Shadow Curse

  • Special Abilities: Spirit Of The Land, +1 to ability scores, +2 meters of movement speed

Players who are fond of the lovable druid companion, Halsin, will be pleased to hear that he offers a unique benefit as an ally in the final battle. Halsin grants the party +1 to all ability scores, potentially increasing everything from attack bonuses to armor class, and adds +2m to their movement speed.


Baldur’s Gate 3: The Unwritten Rules of Playing a Druid Explained

Among Baldur’s Gate 3’s classes, Druids are most in tune with the natural world, meaning there are some unwritten rules associated with this class.

This can be essential in the final fight, which involves reaching one side of the combat arena as quickly as possible. Gaining this bonus is as simple as recruiting Halsin by protecting him in the Druid’s Grove, lifting the shadow curse, and having him in the party for the final battle.

14 Mol

Save The Refugees, Then Find And Return Her Contract With Raphael

  • Special Abilities: Fetchers Favor, reduced Fire damage, and an additional 1d4 for Charisma and Saving Throws.

Mol is one of the more enigmatic and independent characters of BG3, being one of the few NPCs that doesn’t need the protagonist’s help to survive, but she’s willing to accept or give aid if the price is right. She saves players from Jaheira’s wrath at Last Light Inn and manages to escape the Grove and the Shadow-cursed Lands. Fans can meet her there, with some of the other Tieflings, and find out about her contract with Raphael.

In addition to better Fire resistance and saving throws, Mol also gives the party members the power of Fetcher’s Favor. They can cast the level 2 spell rays of Fire, which can hit up to three enemies at once.

13 Bhaal

Honor The Murder Tribunal And Defeat Orin

  • Special Abilities: A Most Bloody Inheritance allows you to cast Stunning Gaze, which reduces critical hit and attack roll requirements by -2

It makes sense that the Lord of Murder could make a powerful ally for players who can impress them. Dark Urge players who make the terrible decision to give in to their bloody fantasies and become the progeny of Bhaal can gain their sinister “father” and patron as an ally.

As evil as this route is, Bhaal does grant his faithful some powerful abilities. They can cast Stunning Gaze, and the number needed to roll a critical hit is reduced by two, which can stack with other effects.

12 Kith’rak Voss

Obtain The Orphic Hammer And Pass A Persuasion Check

  • Special Abilities: Kith’raki Inferno, which creates a wall of fire that does 12d6 fire damage

The githyanki Kith’rak, Voss, can be quite an unexpected ally in both the battle against the tyranny of the githyanki goddess, Vlaakith, and the final battle. As an ally, Voss calls his red dragon mount to rain fire down on a specified area. To gain Voss as an ally, players must defy Vlaakith in the githyanki creche in Act Two.


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Voss will tell players that he also wants to dethrone Vlaakith and reinstate the mysterious githyanki prince, Orpheus. In act three, Voss can be found in the sewers, and he needs players to free Orpheus from the Astral Prism using the Orphic Hammer. Orpheus himself also makes a good ally, but Voss can be convinced to help players who side with the illithid Emperor over his prince, although it is tough.

11 Rolan Or Lorroakan

Give Up The Nightsong Or Replace Lorrokan With Rolan

  • Special Abilities: Channels arcane fire from Ramazith’s Tower, which does 10d6 fire + 10d6 force damage

This ally ability is identical depending on whether players have gained the alliance of the tiefling, Rolan, or the sorcerer, Lorroakan. Admittedly, Rolan will be the better option for heroic runs, as his recruitment involves saving the tiefling refugees, saving Isobel, and confronting Lorroakan.

For players with a slightly more sinister run, they can recruit Lorroakan if they hand over the Nightsong to him. Both allies have the identical ability to summon a firestorm on the battleground that does serious damage.

10 Mizora

Finish Wyll’s Quest And Bring Her To Camp

  • Special Abilities: Mizora, Agent of Avernus – she fights as one of your allies on the battlefield.

Wyll, the warlock companion character, has a devilish patron called Mizora. She can be recruited as an ally for the final fight if players rescue her in Act Two, keep Wyll in her pact, and tell her that they need something in return for letting her stick around in their camp.

Mizora is a powerful ally to call onto the battlefield, capable of demolishing her foes, and it is worth recruiting her if players are willing to forsake Wyll’s sanity.

9 Owlbear

Spare Their Life In The Cave, Save Them From The Goblins, And Make Sure Dammon Lives

  • Special Abilities: A Battle-Ready Owlbear as an ally in the fight, with the powers of Dammon’s Special Brew that causes Polymorph and the Induced Rage condition.

Players can befriend an owlbear cub in Act One by rescuing her from the Goblin Camp and looking after her when she comes to visit the camp in the evenings. Eventually, she will join the camp for good. This adorable little buddy can be a powerful ally to summon in the player’s final battles.



Baldur’s Gate 3: How To Save The Owlbear Cub

There is an Owlbear Cub Baldur’s Gate 3 whose life is in danger both before saving the creature and after bringing it to camp.

All grown up and decked out in armor from the tiefling armorer, Dammon, the owlbear cub, becomes a strong summon for the final fight. Even better, all it takes to ally with her is saving her from the Goblin Camp, lots of love, and keeping Dammon alive to suit her up.

8 Viconia DeVir

Betray Shadowheart In Exchange For Viconia’s Aid

  • Special Abilities: Summons a variety of spellcasting, ranged, shapeshifting, and melee-fighting adherents of Shar

Viconia DeVir, a legacy character who appeared in previous Baldur’s Gate games alongside Minsc and Jaheira, is one of the most powerful allies that players can have on their side in the final fight. These are the followers and cultists that the party has to fight if they refuse to capitulate to Viconia’s demands, and it’s one of the toughest fights in the whole game.

Viconia has a small army of Clerics, shapeshifters, archers, spellcasters, and other fighters at her command, and she can use them to help the main character instead of hindering them. It’s fairly difficult to earn her trust and gain her help, because it involves betraying another Companion: Shadowheart. The protagonist has to agree to Viconia’s terms, and one of them is to hand over the rogue cultist Shadowheart, removing the Cleric from the party, the camp, and the rest of the story.

7 Strange Ox

Follow Him To Rivington, But Don’t Demand His Compliance

  • Special Ability: An Apple a Day is the ability that summons Zlorb, a shapeshifting glob that can become various types of monsters

Players can encounter this unusual and unsettling “ox” in all three acts of the game. He can be found in the Druid Grove in Act One, The Last Light Inn in Act Two, and the stables in Rivington in the final act.


Baldur’s Gate 3: Worst Character Endings, Ranked

The beauty of Baldur’s Gate 3’s branching narrative also means that many of the playable characters can be dealt some pretty miserable endings.

If players are cordial with the ox in all three acts and don’t press him on his unusual nature too much, the ox will request the player’s help getting into Baldur’s Gate. Help him out, and this strange ooze will ally with the players. He can be summoned in battle and can take on many different powerful forms, from a phase spider to a minotaur.

6 Yurgir

Pass A Persuasion Check In The House Of Hope

  • Special Abilities: The Hellstalker Yurgir abilities summons Yurgir to join the player’s side in battle

The Orthon, Yurgir, is another powerful friend to make and summon to call onto the battlefield. His invisibility makes him deceptively subtle despite his rather heavy-handed damage-dealing abilities, like his mines and grenades. To receive Yurgir’s aid, players can free him from his deal with Raphael in Act Two by killing the last remaining Dark Justiciar in the Gauntlet of Shar.

This turns out to be a man called Lyrthindor, who has been hiding out in the form of multiple rats and puts up a surprisingly challenging fight. Even if players kill Yurgir in Act Two, a successful high persuasion check in Raphael’s House of Hope will convince him to fight alongside players, both there and in the final battle.

5 Auntie Ethel

Make A Deal With Ethel By Almost Killing Her Or Killing Lora

  • Special Abilities: Veil of the Weird, which gives the power to make any five allies invisible

In a rather villainous playthrough, the green hag, Auntie Ethel, is a great ally to have heading into the final battles. Unsurprising for a hag, Auntie Ethel can whip up some extremely powerful magic to turn up to five nearby creatures invisible. This grants a huge edge in combat.



Baldurs Gate 3: How To Get To Auntie Ethel’s Teahouse

Auntie Ethel’s Teahouse is a very interesting early-game area in Baldur’s Gate 3, and this guide will explain how to track it down.

All it takes to gain Auntie Ethel as an ally is making a deal with her in Act One. Even if players killed her here, Auntie Ethel will offer her assistance in Act Three if players kill the mother, Lora, for her so that Ethel can birth Lora’s daughter into a new hag.

4 Isobel

Save Her From Marcus And Free Dame Aylin

  • Special Abilities: Balm of the Moonmaiden, which heals 14d6 up to 6 nearby allies

Isobel is a cleric of Selune, so it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that allies of Isobel will be treated to a potent heal during their final battle, although it is a one-time use, so should be used strategically.

This healing ability can completely change the tide of the final battle. To get Isobel as an ally, players will need to assist her at the Last Light Inn in Act Two, as well as sparing her girlfriend, Dame Aylin, and keep her out of Lorroakan’s clutches.

3 Dame Aylin

Save Her From Kethric And Protect Her From Lorrokan

  • Special Abilities: Sword of the Silverlight, which summons Dame Aylin to join the player’s side in battle

Speaking of Isobel’s partner, Dame Aylin herself can also prove to be a very strong ally. She can be summoned to the battlefield to fight alongside players as a Paladin, with powerful abilities like Lunar Blessing, Fly, Lunar Flare, and Lunar Smite, which can prove to be a much-needed addition to the battle.


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Much of Baldur’s Gate 3’s love is directed at its companions. But there are plenty of NPCs who receive love too, maybe deserving companion status.

Aylin also happens to be immortal, meaning that she can’t fall in battle and players don’t need to worry about endangering a beloved character. It helps that her ally requirements align with Isobel’s, so players will get two powerful allies for the price of one.

2 Barcus Wroot

Rescue Barcus, Save The Gnomes, And Support His Nomination To Leader

Barcus Wroot successful rescue bg3

  • Special Abilities: Summon two Ironhand Gnomes with the power of ranged explosives that can also Blind enemies

There’s nothing like some powerful AoE to turn the tide of battle, and other than the Mage Tower spells and the dragon of Kith’rak Voss, the bombs the Ironhand Gnomes can throw at opponents are effective against various targets.

This might be one of the longest and most difficult allies to recruit. Barcus first appears early in Act 1, where he has to be rescued from the goblins in the Blighted Village. The character finds him again in Last Light Inn, where he tells them the more complete story of the Gondian Gnomes.

Players have to save the Gondian Gnomes, both those in the Iron Throne prison and the Steel Watch Foundry and support the movement to oust Wulbren Bongle and put Barcus in his place as leader.

1 Ascended Astarion

Finish His Companion Quest And Help Him Complete Cazador’s Ritual

Should You Let Astarion Become Vampire Ascendant in Baldur's Gate 3?

  • Special Abilities: Retinue of the Vampire Lord

While the vampire spawn, Astarion, can support players throughout their adventures as a companion character, he is also available as an ally in the final fights if players help him defeat his old master vampire, Cazador, and allow Astarion to become a vampire ascendant.

In doing so, they gain a very powerful vampiric battalion, as Astarion will be able to summon various creatures of the night, from shadows to skeletons to werewolves. This helps players to take control of the initiative.


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