Any Intel location in the tomb in Black Ops 6

The tomb is the last map of the zombies to be added by the release of Chapter Two Call of Duty: Black Ops 6Human beings are an ancient and mysterious burial of secrets to track the crew of Sentinel's antiquities and seek to get their hands. But this mission is not easy, because the map is drowning with dangerous zombies that hunts you.


Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies – Every Easter Egg Hidden on the Tomb

Here is a complete guide to each Easter egg hidden in the tomb map and how to complete them in Black Ops 6.

Each map contains a set of Intel that offers background stories, side sources and more. If you are one of the players who decide to find and complete each Intel piece in the game, this guide covers the locations of each Intel piece in the tomb, including audio logs, documents and artifacts.

Every login location of the audio

Against a wall

In front of the wall of the wall voice entry - BO6

In the stamin-up room, you will find Crafts tableHuman beings Its right, On the wall where the torch isYou will find the audio login.

Making a monochl

Create a Monocle Sound Login - BO6

Head toward Cola room speedHuman beings in front of the device, you will see Entrance with two potsHuman beings are on top of the left pot.

Mr. Rhodes' defamed

Mr Rhodes' infamous entry - BO6

Go to the spawn area, and Near the Gobblegums deviceYou will find Some boxesHuman beings will be on top of them.

Look at the whole body.

Look at all the Bodio audio login locations - BO6

In the same area, To where the blue portal spawns In the spawning area. Only on the right side of the entry To the portal, you will find a look at all the login of the body.

Grave thieves

Vocal entry of thieves of grave thieves - BO6

From there, toward the door on the left side of the spawn, which leads to The perception room of deathHuman On the rightYou will find A statue, and at its baseYou will be able to interact with voice reports.


Audio Knaves Login - BO6

Of the place where you are Put the ampoule to open the door to NexusWith Bring down the stairs down.And you will find the audio login.

Spring time

Spring Spring Entry Place - BO6

Back to the room Where the stamin-up is located inTo the left, You will find a statue. Spring audio report is time Right on the left side of it.

The deep problem


To the east of the tomb, you will find an open cave area With a maximum ammunition box on the leftThe human being near it, At the bottom of a column, You will find the audio login.

Retirement program

Retirement Place of Audio Entry - BO6

Return in the spawning area where the upgrading of the two armor is located in, You will find the audio login on the rightLocated between some boxes.


Login Login Build Sign - BO6

Their way to The room where Deadshot Daiquiri is located inHuman beings pass the perk device, and On the left, Will find the login of the audio On the floor near the skeletonHuman

Tortured artist

Tortured artist's audio location - BO6

The final audio login can be found inside Nexus, Near the structure by the handicraft deskHuman

Any document location

Potts and Pains PT 1

The player is looking at the Vase No. 8 - BO6

Go to the fast resuscitation room and find the number 8 pots there Between columnsHuman beings shoot it to release the document.

Potts and Pains PT 2

The player is looking at the Vase No. 6 - BO6

This one is similar to the previous stage. Shoot the number 6 pots that are located Above the red portalTo release part 2 of the Potts and Pains document.

Potts and Pains PT 3

The player is looking at the Vase No. 5 - BO6

Next, the pot number 5 in The ceiling of the Stamin RoomHuman beings shoot it to release part 3 of the document.

Potts and Pains PT 4


For this one, the pot is not required and you need Complete Easter EggsHuman

You will find you after spawning of friendly zombies Part 4 of the document near the statue where they spawnHuman

Potts and Pains PT 5

The player is seeing a floating green gem - BO6

This section also needs to be completed by Easter Eggs – specifically, Raygun's free easter eggsHuman

After dealing with elite enemies, Will receive the last part of the documentHuman

Any artificial location


Black Ops 6 Crystal Purple Tomb

These are Purple lanterns found inside the tombHuman beings simply shoot one to communicate with it.


Black Ops 6 Boss of Artificial Works

This is Final Boss of Easter Egg EggsHuman be defeated to get it.

Crystal Crystal Shard

A unified crystal item on the ground - BO6

This is part of the main effort of Easter eggs. To obtain it, Complete the four challenges of the statue To connect the beam to the axis, and Item subsequently decreasesHuman

Ice staff

Getting ice staff at Call of Duty Black Ops 6 zombies.

The amazing weapons for the tomb map, the ice staff, can be achieved by assembling its parts and doing the ritual to build it.

Monucol Archibald

Getting Monokle for ice puzzle staff at Call of Duty Black Ops 6 zombies.

In the round of eight, Imitation of shock will spawnHuman beings kill it, and It will give up the artificialHuman

Alas, poor Bernard

Alas, the artificial location of Bernard poor - BO6

You will find in the area where you work the ice staff A skeleton around itHuman interaction with Its skull To obtain the item

The other side

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies – Any free power place in the tomb

Here is any free power place in the tomb in Black Ops 6.

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