Amazing selection of parts 1 and 2 (Squirtle & Charmander)

pokemon pocket launched its third Wonder Pick event by introducing two new Promo-A variants: Charmander (PA 032) and Squirtle (PA 033). These cards retain their original moves and stats, but have updated artwork.


Pokemon TCG Pocket: Blastoise Drop Event Event Guide

The new Pokemon Pocket Promo-A drop kicked off with the Blastoise event, and here's everything you need to know.

During the event you can also complete tasks and missions to earn special shop tickets that can be used to purchase new themed accessories. Here's everything you need to know about it pocket's Amazing Selection Event January 2025.

Details of January's Amazing Choice Event Part 1

Amazing event details in pocket pokemon tcg.

  • start date: January 6
  • end date: January 20
  • Event type: Amazing choice
  • Special prizes: Squirtle (PA) and Charmander (PA)

January's Wonder Pick event is an RNG-based event pokemon pocketgiving players a chance to get one of two new Promo-A cards: Charmander (PA 032) and Squirtle (PA 033). The first part of the event will run for two weeks, from January 6, 2025 at 10:00 PM to January 20, 2025 at 9:59 PM local time.

How to get promotional cards in the January Pokemon Pocket Amazing event.

During the Wonder Pick Event Parts 1 and 2, you can participate in Bonus and Rare Wonder Picks, each with a different drop rate for Promo-A Vol.3 Squirtle and Charmander.

Amazing bonus choices

Bonus Wonder Picks are free offers that include one of two Promo-A cards (or their regular variants) plus four slots from Wonder Hourglasses or Event Ticket Shops. While it has not been confirmed how often a surprise bonus pick will appear during the event, data mining calculations show that every time an event pick is displayed, there is a 20.00% chance that it will be a bonus pick. .

Amazingly rare selections

Rare Picks have a 2.50% chance to appear during the event. But when they do, they're guaranteed to reward you with one of two Promo-A cards. The distribution of cards in each Rare Pick is based on RNG, but each card (Squirtle and Charmander) can take up one to four slots, making your chances vary from 25% to 80%.

Wonder Pick Event Missions and Rewards Part 1

Quests and rewards in Pokemon Pocket January's Amazing Pick event.

In the first part of January's Wonder Pick event, you can complete five main missions to earn Event Shop Tickets (Blastoise). These tickets can be spent in the “Limited Time / Events” section of the store to purchase new themed accessories.


Part 1 of the mission


Collect a Squirtle card

Ticket shop an event

Collect a Charmander card

Ticket shop an event

Amazing choice three times

Two event store tickets

Wonder picks four times

Two event store tickets

Wonder picked five times

Three event store tickets

Completing all five missions in the first part of the event will earn you nine Ticket Shops, which is enough to unlock all three special accessories. (See below.)

Rewards (shop items)

Part 1 of the case


blue (background)

Three event store tickets

Blue and Blastose (Cover)

Three event store tickets

Small temple (background)

Three event store tickets

Details of January's Amazing Choice Event Part 2

Details of the amazing January Picks event part 2 in Pokemon Pocket.

  • start date: January 15
  • end date: January 21
  • Event type: Amazing choice
  • Special prizes: Blastoise and blue themed accessories

The Charmander & Squirtle Wonder Pick event has a second part that starts on January 15th and ends on the 21st. While no new promotional cards will be introduced, it will feature new missions and rewards.

Wonder Pick Event Missions and Rewards Part 2

Part 2 of the amazing January Pick event in Pokemon Pocket.

In part two, you'll get a list of ten new missions, including water and fire Pokemon gathering tasks. This reward includes additional shop event tickets (up to 22) that can be spent on Part 2 accessories.


Part 2 of the mission


Surprise choice once

Ticket shop an event

Twice the amazing choice

Ticket shop an event

Amazing choice three times

Ticket shop an event

Wonder picks four times

Two event store tickets

Wonder picked five times

Two event store tickets

Wonder picked six times

Three event store tickets

Collect five fire pokemon

Three event store tickets

Collect five water-type Pokemon

Three event store tickets

Collect ten Fire-Type Pokemon

Three event store tickets

Collect ten water-type Pokemon

Three event store tickets

Rewards (shop items)

Part 2 of the case


Blue and Blastoise (back card)


Blue and Blastoise (Polymat)


Blastoise (symbol)


Blastoise (Coin)


Tips and things to know about Wonder Pick events

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Your tickets will be shipped. Event Shop tickets will remain in your inventory until January 29th, giving you a few more days after the event to decide which limited-time accessories to purchase. (If the data mining is accurate, you'll need a total of 31 tickets to purchase all of the items in Part 1 and Part 2.)
  • You will not receive notifications for rare and bonus picks. It's a good idea to log in every 30 minutes to an hour to check if you've received anything, as the game doesn't notify you when you're offline.
  • All amazing choices count towards event missions. You don't need to spend your Wonder Pick Stamina on event offers. Every choice during the event will help progress your mission.
  • Avoid wasting resources on rare choices. Focus on drawing Promo-A cards from free bonus options and only invest in Rare Picks if the event is nearing its end and you're missing out on PA types.

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