Planet Coaster 2‘s career mode offers a variety of fun and challenging scenarios that will make you lose track of time. One of the scenarios in the third chapter, Double Trouble, introduces you to a character named Kenta Suzuki, who you’ll undoubtedly grow to despise.

Planet Coaster 2: The Brothers Swimm Walkthrough
Two brothers, one park.
His sole purpose is to make your life harder. What makes this scenario special is that you’ll manage a park divided into two separate areas. While you can freely build in one section, the other will be your nightmare. If you’re ready to tackle this scenario where efficient use of limited space is key, this guide is here to help!
Double Trouble Bronze Objectives
In the Double Trouble scenario, you are given a park divided into two sections. One part—the area with the entrances—belongs to Coaster Coast, where you can build freely. However, the other section is owned by someone named Kenta Suzuki, and you must follow strict rules when building there.
The frustrating part is that this second section, called Thrill Peakers, is smaller than the other and includes a lake positioned in a way that makes building difficult. Additionally, you can’t remove the lake.
Build A Pool
Your first objective is to build a pool, but it’s not as simple as it sounds because the pool must be built in the Thrill Peakers section of the park. Moreover, the pool you construct must have a minimum of 450 Pool Prestige. Selecting one of the following blueprints will immediately complete the objective. However, some of them have less than 450 Pool Prestige and won’t work:
Pool Name |
More Than 450 Prestige? |
Medium Pool 02 |
Yes |
Small Pool |
No |
Wave Pool |
No |
Large Pool |
Yes |
Medium Pool |
Yes |
Starter Pool |
No |
Huge Pool |
Yes |
Flume Pool |
Yes |
If you decide to build a custom pool or use a pre-made pool with less than 450 Pool Prestige, avoid creating a very small pool. Small pools struggle to gain prestige, and since the next objective requires building two new flumes, a small pool may not be suitable.
To increase your pool’s prestige, focus on improving your Scenery Rating. Adding more wave machines and water jets to the pool will further boost its prestige.
Don’t forget to place changing rooms and Guest Services buildings near your pool.
Build Two New Flumes
After building the pool, the next task is to construct two new flumes, which must also be built in Kenta’s section. Attaching these flumes to the pool you just constructed will help save space. One of these flumes must have an Excitement rating of at least five. Choosing one of the following blueprints will meet this requirement:
- Wild Slide
- Plunge Bowl
- Splash Down
- Outback
- Singularity
- Mat Race
- Raft Trap
- Mat Master
If you decide to create a custom flume, focus on increasing its excitement rating. Only building one flume won’t suffice—you must add another with the same five Excitement requirement. To save space, consider placing it right next to the first one.
Increase Your Park Rating
The final objective is to increase your park rating to one and a half. By this stage, the flumes and pool you’ve built should already bring your rating close to one and a half. You can achieve the target by adding unique attractions and enhancing their appearance with scenery. This will help you hit the mark effortlessly.
Double Trouble Silver Objectives
To complete the Silver objectives, you’ll need to tackle additional tasks in Kenta’s section. Most of these are manageable except for building a new coaster.
Build A New Coaster
Before building the coaster, ensure your income is close to $30,000. You can increase your income by adding more flat rides and enhancing their scenery. Once you have enough money, you’ll need to construct the new coaster in Kenta’s park area, which makes the task challenging.
The best approach is to create a custom coaster. However, this coaster must meet certain requirements. First, it needs to have at least three inversions, meaning there must be at least three sections where riders are flipped upside-down. Additionally, the coaster must have an Excitement rating of at least four and a half.
To increase excitement, design a coaster with frequent direction and speed changes that passes close to other track sections.
Make sure to choose a coaster type that can invert riders. The following coaster types will work:
- Crazy Mouse
- Floorless
- Inverted – Two Seater
- Looping
- Momentum
Ensure the coaster doesn’t take up too much space. Tracks like the Finnish Loop are compact and help achieve this objective in smaller areas.
Upgrade All Rides
This objective requires you to have at least seven rides in your park and a Scenery Rating of 500 or more. Avoid building rides in Kenta’s area, as you’ll need the space for later objectives. Instead, build small flat rides in your section and enhance their scenery to fulfill this task easily.
Increase Your Park Rating To Two Stars
With the coaster and upgraded rides, reaching a park rating of two shouldn’t be too difficult. Ensure guest needs are met and continue improving your scenery to complete this objective.
Double Trouble Gold Objectives
The Gold objectives are significantly harder, as you’ll need to build more attractions in Kenta’s area. Efficient use of space is crucial.
Build A New Coaster
Once again, you’ll need to build a coaster in Kenta’s section. This time, the coaster must have a biggest drop of at least 40 meters. Use the Hydraulic Launcher track from the Energy Coaster type to quickly gain height, followed by a sharp drop. Ensure the coaster isn’t too extreme by fine-tuning its track during testing.
The drop alone will help you reach the four and a half Fear requirement, but you must reduce speed afterward to avoid exceeding five Fear, which would prevent the coaster from operating.
Optimize G-Force values first, and then adjust for the required Fear rating.
Build A Pool
You’ll need to construct another pool in Kenta’s section, also with a minimum of 450 Pool Prestige. If your first pool already has high prestige, you won’t need to build a large second pool. However, since the Gold objectives require building four new flumes, plan your pool size accordingly. A pool that’s too small might not accommodate the additional flumes.
Build Four New Flumes
Construct four new flumes in Kenta’s park section. If your first pool is large enough, you can build some of the flumes there. These flumes must have a Nausea rating of less than three. To achieve this, design long and slow flumes with low Lateral G-Force. Avoid making the second pool too small if you plan to use it for flumes.
Build A New Body Flume
You need to build a new Body Flume on Kenta’s side of the park. However, this flume must include a special flume piece. To meet this requirement, avoid making the flume too low. This task is relatively simple, as the special flume piece is the only requirement.
Since this objective, combined with the previous one, requires you to build a total of five flumes, you can allocate three flumes to your larger pool and two to the smaller one. To save space, consider building the flumes on adjacent platforms.
Because flumes with special pieces tend to generate higher nausea levels, it’s a good idea to complete the previous objective involving four flumes before attempting this one.
Increase Your Daily Profits
You need to earn daily profits more than $100,000. To boost your profits, consider raising ticket prices for your rides. Additionally, build various facilities to meet guests’ needs, such as food stalls and gift shops, for extra revenue.
On your side of the park, construct more rides with high prestige to attract more guests. Speed up the game, and you should reach the required profit level over time.
Increase Your Park Rating To Three
After completing the other objectives, enhance the scenery of your rides, coasters, and pools. Don’t stop there—improve the overall appearance of your park by increasing its scenery rating. Ensure that guest needs are met and that your park has enough unique attractions. If you’ve completed the other objectives, reaching a park rating of three shouldn’t be too difficult.
Double Trouble Platinum Objectives
The platinum objectives depend on how efficiently you used Kenta’s side of the park in previous objectives. If you managed to save space, completing these tasks will be more manageable.
Build A New Coaster
This time, you need to build another coaster on Kenta’s side of the park, but there are no challenging requirements. You just need to keep its scenery and other stats high and ensure it reaches 500 Prestige.
To achieve a high scenery score and save space, you can choose one of the smaller coasters from the blueprints and decorate the surroundings to easily reach 500 Prestige. A small coaster like The Minder will work perfectly.
Build Two New Flat Rides
On Kenta’s side, you must build two new flat rides. Rides like ‘Tiny Eye’ or other small flat rides will work well. Also you can opt for flat rides that are taller rather than wider to save horizontal space. Ensure that they have a minimum prestige of 350. If you’d rather not deal with scenery, you can choose flat rides from the blueprints.
Increase Your Daily Profits
You need to earn daily profits more than $200,000. Increase the ticket prices of your popular attractions and open facilities such as gift shops that generate high income. On your side of the park, add more high-prestige attractions. Once these measures are in place, speed up the game, and you’ll eventually hit the required profit amount.
Increase Your Park Rating
As with all platinum-level objectives, you need to raise your park rating to four and a half star. Focus on meeting guest needs, adding enough attractions, and ensuring that your attractions’ prestige is high. Improve the scenery around your park and attractions to increase the scenery rating.
Keep your park clean to maintain a high reputation. By completing the other objectives, achieving a four and a half star park rating will be much easier.

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