All boats and how to get them

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the receipt It offers players a huge ocean with various islands and hidden places to explore. But swimming between them is very long and also dangerous. Therefore, all players use boats, of which there are many in the game.

Even if the cheapest rowing boat is enough for this trip roblox Fishing sim, all players prefer to use expensive boats. This is not surprising, as each ship has different stats, the most important of which is speed.


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How to get a boat in Phish

Shipwreck in Fish

Every boat in the receipt Not only does it have a different size and appearance, but it also has stats. You want to use the fastest boats to get to events and also save time sailing between islands. Speaking of boat stats, there are only three of them:

  • speed – Maximum ship speed.
  • command – Ability to maneuver the ship. (how fast can you turn sideways)
  • acceleration – The speed of reaching the maximum speed.

When choosing a boat, you should pay special attention to the first two statistics. The better they are, the easier it will be for you to navigate the ocean the receipt.

Fortunately, players can purchase basic boats on each of the islands. To do this, you need to find the Shipwright NPC, which is located near the beach or pier. Not only does he sell boats, but he spawns them when you ask him to. But it is worth noting that to buy a few boats in the receiptYou must have a high level.

Additionally, you can get boats as rewards during limited events. Finally, players can invest some Robux to buy premium boats, although they are expensive.


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All fish boats

Boat in Fish

boat Statistics How to get
rowing boat Speed: 25 Steering: 40 degrees Acceleration: 0.15 C$700
Surfboard Speed: 30 Steering: 50 degrees Acceleration: 0.2 1500 Canadian dollars
pontoon Speed: 40 Steering: 40 degrees Acceleration: 0.2 C$20,000 (requires level 30)
bass boat Speed: 45 Steering: 40 degrees Acceleration: 0.22 6000 Canadian dollars
Quack Cruiser Speed: 45 Steering: 50 degrees Acceleration: 0.25 5000 CAD (requires level 35)
Titan Speed: 45 Steering: 20 degrees Acceleration: 0.2 5000 CAD (requires level 40)
Aircraft Speed: 55 Steering: 40 degrees Acceleration: 0.22 7000 CAD (requires level 15)
fishing boat Speed: 75 Steering: 50 degrees Acceleration: 0.3 20,000 CAD (requires level 25)
speed boat Speed: 85 Steering: 50 degrees Acceleration: 0.25 CAD 15,000 (requires level 20)
Pirate ship Speed: 90 Steering: 30 degrees Acceleration: 0.2 20,000 CAD (requires level 30)
the pearl Speed: 95 Steering: 30 degrees Acceleration: 0.2 50,000 CAD (requires level 90)
Luxury speedboat Speed: 150 Steering: 54 degrees Acceleration: 0.3 CAD 20,000 (requires level 50)
jet ski Speed: 180 Steering: 70 degrees Acceleration: 0.3 50,000 CAD (requires level 60)
Archaeologist's Boat (event) Speed: 80 Steering: 30 degrees Acceleration: 0.2 20,000 Canadian dollars
Flying Dutchman (event) Speed: 80 Steering: 30 degrees Acceleration: 0.2 Complete the Witch quest to unlock.
Holiday themed speedboat (event) Speed: 150 Steering: 54 degrees Acceleration: 0.3 advent calendar bonus
sledding (event) Speed: 90 Steering: 60 degrees Acceleration: 0.4 Complete Santa's quest to unlock.
Cruiser Reindeer (event) Speed: 55 Steering: 50 degrees Acceleration: 0.25 Complete the Runaway Elf quest to unlock.
Dr. Glymorphin's Boat (Event) Speed: 100 Steering: 33 degrees Acceleration: 0.25 Complete Dr. Glymorphin's unlock quest.
Midnight Cruiser (event) Speed: 150 Steering: 54 degrees Acceleration: 0.3 Complete the Midnight Cruiser limited time event
Coral cruiser Speed: 85 Steering: 50 degrees Acceleration: 0.25 Buy a starter pack for 99 Robux
Jetski snowmobile Speed: 200 Steering: 70 degrees Acceleration: 0.3 Buy a winter pack for 799 Robux
Santa's jetski Speed: 220 Steering: 80 degrees Acceleration: 0.4 599 Robux (Skin Vendor)
Fishmas Jetski Speed: 220 Steering: 60 degrees Acceleration: 0.35 799 Robux (Skin Vendor)
Iftikhar Fish Speed: 230 Steering: 30 degrees Acceleration: 0.2 799 Robux (Skin Vendor)
Sea Pegasus Speed: 180 Steering: 60 degrees Acceleration: 0.35 899 Robux (Skin Vendor)
Sky cruiser Speed: 230 Steering: 80 degrees Acceleration: 0.4 2499 Robux (Skin Seller)
Hollywood Cruiser Speed: 230 Steering: 30 degrees Acceleration: 0.2 4499 Robux (Skin Seller)
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was published

September 1, 2006


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